Facebook’s ‘fake news’ crackdown is a deliberate attempt to destroy the independent media

‘In an attempt to fulfill their promise made back in December to crack down on so-called “fake news,” Facebook has begun to mark content they deem unsubstantiated as “disputed.” Tech new website Recode reports that these stories will now contain a message saying that the selected article has been disputed by its fact checkers, and then subsequently link to articles by Politifact and Snopes.
According to Breitbart, in order to flag a story as fake, a user must report it, or Facebook’s algorithm must detect it. The story will then be sent on to at least two fact checking sources who will investigate and determine whether the story is incorrect. If the two fact-checkers agree that the article provides false information, it will get flagged as “disputed,” and there will be a link to an article explaining why. Facebook users who try to share a disputed article are asked if they are sure they want to share it. Stories that have been labeled as disputed will also get pushed down in News Feed.
Read more: Facebook’s ‘fake news’ crackdown is a deliberate attempt to destroy the independent media

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