Merkel let in refugees ‘to avoid border clashes that would look bad on TV,’ claims insider book

‘A new book by a political journalist says that German leader Angela Merkel was on the verge of closing the borders instead of welcoming refugees, but was persuaded not to out of fear that images of violence would make her government unpopular.
‘Driven by Events: Merkel’s Refugee Policy’ by Robin Alexander, a journalist with Die Welt, was published this week. It claims that as late as September 2015, the peak of the migrant influx into Europe, the German chancellor had still not formulated a policy.
According to excerpts from the book, quoted in the Sunday Times, the situation came to a head when officials warned that as many as 40,000 migrants moving from the Balkans could enter Bavaria in a single weekend.’
Read more: Merkel let in refugees ‘to avoid border clashes that would look bad on TV,’ claims insider book

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