South Sudan’s Total Collapse Could Lead to the Destabilization of Central and Eastern Africa

‘The second-last African region under Hybrid War study is the Failed State Belt of South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR), which together form a black hole of chaos in the North-Central part of the continent. These states weren’t always the disorderly and dysfunctional, but were made so because of covert American interference into their affairs.
Had it not been for these geostrategic locations’ descent into anarchy, then they would have otherwise served as ideal transit locations for future multipolar transnational infrastructure projects linking two of Africa’s leading countries together, Ethiopia and Nigeria, all while passing through resource-rich areas along the way. This vision is now totally smashed and unlikely to be revived anytime soon, seeing as how deeply divided these two states are and the intensity with which they’re embroiled in identity-driven fratricidal hatred. Nonetheless, it was necessary to speak on the positive role that the Failed State Belt could play had it not been intentionally turned into such a cauldron of intractable conflict.’
Read more: South Sudan’s Total Collapse Could Lead to the Destabilization of Central and Eastern Africa

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