I’ve rarely felt more fearful for the future’: Peter Oborne, the first journalist to visit the Syrian village hit by Trump’s missiles, says peace has been set back years in a war where truth and logic have gone to hell

‘Ever since the start of the terrible Syrian conflict almost six years ago, the British government has wanted Western military intervention to help get rid of President Assad.
But this policy seemed to have failed. Assad appeared close to winning the war, as Trump acknowledged last week when his press secretary said that Asad staying was a ‘political reality that we have to accept.’
But then came Tuesday’s dreadful chemical attack on the village of Khan Shaikhoun in northern Syria.
Instantly, the British and American governments blamed Assad for the horror, and within 72 hours the U.S. launched a revenge missile assault on the airbase from which the chemical attack was believed to have been launched.
The exultation in Whitehall at this turnaround of events is all the greater because it marks such a extraordinary volte face by Donald Trump.
For it is less than three months since he took office and pledged non-intervention in Syria.’
Read more: I’ve rarely felt more fearful for the future’: Peter Oborne, the first journalist to visit the Syrian village hit by Trump’s missiles, says peace has been set back years in a war where truth and logic have gone to hell


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