Tory government would launch preemptive nuclear strike, defense secretary says

‘Prime Minister Theresa May would be prepared to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against any enemies, even if Britain was not under attack, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has claimed.
“In the most extreme circumstances we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike,” Fallon told the BBC’s Today program.
When asked in what circumstances, he replied: “They are better not specified or described, which would only give comfort to our enemies and make the deterrent less credible.
“The whole point about the deterrent is that you have got to leave uncertainty in the mind of anyone who might be thinking of using weapons against this country.”
The prime minister’s official spokesperson later added there was “no reason to disagree with what the defense secretary said.”’
Read more: Tory government would launch preemptive nuclear strike, defense secretary says

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