Wife of Russian programmer ‘suspected of cyber attacks on US’ shares details about his arrest

‘The wife of detained Russian programmer Pyotr Levashov has spoken to RT of her anguish of never seeing her husband again “if he is extradited to the US” from Spain “on suspicion of cyber attacks on US governmental sources.”
Levashov was detained in Barcelona last week, while on holiday with his family and a friend, his wife Maria told RT Russian.
“It was a nightmare. At night, our rented apartment was stormed by a large number of police officers, who smashed the door. We were all forced to the floor, right in front of our four-year-old child. They didn’t answer my questions and then locked me with my son in another room, where they kept me for two hours and wouldn’t let me speak with my husband,” the woman said, adding that she was “in shock.”‘
Read more: Wife of Russian programmer ‘suspected of cyber attacks on US’ shares details about his arrest

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