BBC trounces taxpayer while belittling independent journalism


‘I woke up this morning to Sam Bright’s BBC hit piece on Donbass journalists who use crowdfunding to support their work. It was not unexpected, but it was worse than I expected. “Worse” in the sense that it was even more pathetic, biased and misleading than I expected. But there are some important lessons about propaganda, freedom of speech and of the press, and how “presstitutes” like Bright, King, and the BBC have become the absolute antithesis of what they pretend to be.
Sam Bright is a freelance writer affiliated with the BBC, which is a state-run propaganda outlet controlled by the British government. Bright is also the journalistic buttboy of a pro-nazi propagandist named Alex King, who produces provably false misinformation on a Youtube channel and Twitter. Bright and the BBC have both sold any pretensions they ever had about having anything related to journalistic integrity by publishing this bogus piece whose only purpose it try to cut funding to real independent journalism in Donbass, which counters the outright lies of propagandists and bullshit artists like King, Bright and the BBC.’
Read more: BBC trounces taxpayer while belittling independent journalism

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