How Trump Can Avoid Impeachment

Donald Trump Jr’s. emails regarding an apparent overture regarding Russian information on Hillary Clinton has created an absolute firestorm.

Whether or not the emails are a “smoking gun” or simply horrible optics, momentum towards impeachment has just taken a big leap forward.

This is largely true because four U.S. intelligence agencies state as fact that Russia hacked the Democrats and released that information to WikiLeaks in order to sway the election in Trump’s favor.

But a number of people with direct knowledge or an informed opinion have stated that the Democratic emails were leaked by American insiders unhappy with the DNC … not hacked by Russia.

Since the intelligence agencies have not publicly shared any credible and verifiable evidence one way or the other about Russian hacking of the Democratic email, is Trump doomed?

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No …

Trump could – if he’s innocent – nip this in the bud in an instant.


The President has the power to order any information declassified … and to share it with whoever he wants.

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The post How Trump Can Avoid Impeachment appeared first on LewRockwell.

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