C4L President Norm Singleton on Afghanistan

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s new Afghanistan strategy.

President Trump was elected by Americans tired of wasting blood and treasure in Afghanistan, a fact he acknowledged in his speech. Yet he is increasing our military presence in Afghanistan and promising to keep U.S. troops there until the country is at peace. This means U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan will outlast the Trump presidency and may not end until the Federal Reserve can no longer print enough money to finance the welfare-warfare state.

The president’s decision to keep troop levels and other information regarding military operations secret means the American people will be kept in the dark about how their tax dollars are being spent in Afghanistan.

President Trump’s intention to increase pressure on Pakistan will further destabilize the region and involve the U.S. in more military conflicts that will only increase resentment of the U.S. and thus increase then risk that Americans will suffer future terrorists attacks.

President Trump is ramping up efforts in Pakistan and Afghanistan without seeking Congressional approval. When Congress returns from August break, they must reassert their Constitutional function  as a check on Presidential war making. A good start is replacing the 2001 Authorization of Force, which has morphed from a limited grant of power to go after Al Qaeda to a blank check for military intervention.

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