Combining sugary drinks with protein found to accelerate the body’s storage of fat

‘As if we needed another reason to change our diet. Scientists are now saying that washing down that cheeseburger with a cold soda changes the way your body burns fat. In analyzing the direct impact that sugary drinks have on body metabolism when paired with a high-protein meal, researchers observed an amplified effect in weight gain. Not only were these meals typically calorie-rich, but the combination also slowed down the fat-burning process all the while not adding anything to satiety. In essence, the typical American diet makes us fatter because we feel hungry easier while not burning anything off.
This small study, published in BMC Nutrition, concluded that around a third of the additional calories found in sugary drinks were not spent while reducing metabolism. This, the study’s authors said, “primed” the body to store more fat. The effect was particularly evident when the drinks were paired with a protein-rich meal. ‘
Read more: Combining sugary drinks with protein found to accelerate the body’s storage of fat

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