Genderless Babies

Justin’s note: Just when I thought I’d seen it all…

I recently read this story about a baby born in Canada that wasn’t designated a sex. Its birth certificate simply lists “U” under the sex category. The Gender-Free ID Coalition believes that this stands for “unspecified or unknown.”

But it’s impossible to know for sure. You see, this has never happened before. It’s a “world first,” according to CNN.

You see, the baby was born “outside the medical system” to a nonbinary, transgender parent…and did not undergo the traditional genital inspection after birth. Here’s why the child’s parent wanted it this way:

It is up to Searyl [the child] to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity…I am not going to foreclose their choices based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.

It’s a bizarre situation, to say the least. So I called up Doug Casey to try to make sense of it…

Time to buy old US gold coins

Justin: What do you make of this, Doug?

Doug: The parent in question is obviously very confused. Perhaps they’ve just been brainwashed by the wave of political correctness that’s washed over the world like a tsunami of raw sewage; if so, it’s possible they can recover. Perhaps they have the neurological wiring of one sex but the body of the other; I imagine that’s quite possible, and is nobody’s “fault.” Maybe they experienced some childhood trauma that made them hate their own sex, or gender, or whatever. Maybe any of a number of other things.

In times past, someone like this would be viewed as a curiosity. They might have worked in a circus sideshow. Today they’re taken seriously.

Look, almost everybody has problems, fears, inadequacies—issues—of one type or another. But if you want to succeed, you do your best trying to overcome, de-emphasize, or hide these things. You don’t go out in public and broadcast them. Why not? For the same reason a chicken with a physical peculiarity doesn’t—the rest of the flock will peck her to death. This person isn’t courageous; he’s just got less sense than a chicken.

What’s worse, this person is burdening a child with their psychological aberrations—not very nice on the part of the parent. I’m a believer in nature over nurture, so the kid will likely survive and be whoever he/she or it is. But the idiot parent isn’t going to make growing up any easier for him, her, or it. Then again, I understand Facebook has designated about 48 sexual or gender identities… And people seem to live on Facebook.

I take a scientific view on these things. Unless you’re born a hermaphrodite, you’re equipped as either a male or a female, with designated X and Y chromosomes. If the kid wants a sex change later in life—and can afford to pay for it—then that should be a possibility. But for the parent to put that on its birth certificate is nothing but a political statement.

As far as I’m concerned, you can call yourself whatever you want. If a person wants to self-identify as a two-headed crustacean from Mars, that’s fine. Anybody should be or do or have whatever they want—as long as they don’t aggress against other people or their property.

I mean who cares how you “self-identify”? You’re giving other people more information by which they can judge what type of a being you are.

I like more information about the person I’m dealing with. I think the current trend to self-identify as all manner of bizarre things is aberrant, and even sick. But it’s a matter of personal choice. The key is not getting the State or the law involved.

Justin: So, what’s fueling this trend?

Doug: This is just one of the many subsets of a greater phenomenon: the collapse of Western Civilization.

Western Civilization is built upon the acknowledgment and understanding of physical reality, and concepts such as truth, honesty, and science. When Bizzarro World is accepted as being equally valid in the eyes of the law and most people, then a society is in trouble.

This whole multi-gender, sex change and whatever trend is just one subset of the worms eating away at the culture. It’s why primitive and authoritarian forces like Islam are on the rise. They’re retrogressive, and repugnant to anyone that believes in Western values. But they offer certainty about what’s right and wrong, proper and improper. And—sad to say—the average person may be so degraded that he’ll choose that over the uncertainty presented by personal freedom and responsibility. It’s a pity. Many, or even most, of the people in the West are renouncing personal freedom and responsibility—even denying the reality of being born a boy or a girl—and substituting them with floating abstractions.

Justin: What role should the government play in all this? Should they acknowledge these things?

Doug: Well frankly, I don’t believe in government identification documents, driver’s licenses, or anything of the sort. Yes, I understand that over the last 100 years society has come to accept the supposed “necessity” of everyone having “papers,” like a dog or a cow. It’s a very recent phenomenon. But insofar as ID is needed, the market could and would provide it far better than the State. Are you a non-person if you don’t have a birth certificate?

If this whole intersex, transgender thing wasn’t politicized it would be a non-problem. People have always thought and believed things that are not just outlandish but at odds with reality. But frankly, who cares—as long as they can’t impose their views on anyone else? They’re destroying their own lives, but it’s not my problem. Although it’s a symptom of a much bigger problem.

But, to answer your question directly, the doctor should put “male” or “female” in the box, because those are the choices that correspond with physical reality at the time.

Justin: I agree, Doug. The state should leave this alone.

But I will say that it’s hard to stay on top of all the developments in the gender world. Just look at this survey that VIDA, a non-profit feminist organization, put out recently:

There are 26 “sub-genders” to choose from. I didn’t even know that was a thing until I saw this.

Doug: Yeah, they’re really innovative. Insane, actually. I’d say they hate themselves even more than I’m sure they hate straight white males.

There are clearly many flavors of psychological aberration. Once again, it’s nothing that the politicians should get involved in. Let people put down whatever they want on their survey cards.

I just feel sorry for the kids of these crazy people. It’s going to make their lives harder, but not everybody is dealt a Royal Flush at birth. On the bright side, maybe Nietzsche was right when he said “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

So, here’s a kid that’s going to start playing his game of Texas Hold ‘Em of life with an unsuited 2-7. I’m sorry for him, but that’s what we call the luck of the draw. He’s going to grow up likely having to endure all kinds of harassment. A bit like what Johnny Cash sang about in “A Boy Named Sue.”

Justin: But what about the child? They obviously had zero say in this. Should the government prevent people with “psychological aberrations” from doing this to children?

Doug: Well, you and I may think that these people have psychological problems. But who can objectively quantify this?

It would likely be left up to psychiatrists. But my experience is that psychiatry is the lowest rung of specialties on the medical ladder. They generally don’t have to know any real medicine beyond what it took to get their union card. Their cure for psychological problems is generally passing out pills, many of which are extremely dangerous. Plus, most psychiatrists are troubled people themselves. They become psychiatrists to bounce their own aberrations off of the person that’s paying them there to tell them his.

They’re the last people to make this determination.

We can all have our opinions on who’s crazy. But I don’t think there should be any formalized law or regulation on the topic.

I don’t want the state involved in any of this stuff.

You know, in Germany there are some names that you can’t give your kid. They won’t allow you to call your kid “Freedom” or “Liberty.” Those names are illegal to give your kid in Germany. Freedom isn’t much in fashion in the land of Karl Marx, National Socialism, the Stasi, Christian Democracy, Social Democracy, and what-have-you.

Then again, why shouldn’t some state bureaucrat determine what I call my kid, or for that matter what the kid calls himself? God forbid the drones and proles might get the idea they could actually own themselves!

Justin: Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today, Doug.

Doug: My pleasure.

Reprinted with permission from Casey Research.

The post Genderless Babies appeared first on LewRockwell.

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