The Bush Family – Destroying America For Over 30 Years
‘Like Ronald Reagan, Wyatt, Connally and Perot hated the Bushes, though Wyatt and Connally bailed GHWB out when he wanted to bomb Iraq – and Saddam took thousands of western hostages as human shields. Wyatt and Connally traveled to Baghdad and convinced Saddam to release the hostages. This allowed GHWB to have the Middle East war the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) always wanted (and Reagan wouldn’t give them.) Remember that Reagan bailed out of the Middle East after the Beirut attacks, which was not the result the MIC was looking for.
GHWB got elected in 1988 by repeating his “read my lips, no new taxes” lie over and over again. When GHWB ran for re-election in 1992, Ross Perot hated Bush so much he decided to sabotage his campaign. Perot ran as a third party candidate, for no reason other than to keep Bush from getting re-elected. Perot succeeded, took 18% of the vote, and put Bill Clinton in the White House.
The Bush family came back in 2000, and GWB decided to take out Iraq because of mean things Saddam had said about his daddy. (Bushes love bombing Iraq anyway.) This led to 9/11, and ultimately Obama and ISIS.’
Read more: The Bush Family – Destroying America For Over 30 Years
David Icke Exposes George H W Bush
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