Regime Repudiates Antifa

…very, very slowly…in my brain, at least.

I refer to the events in Berkeley about ten days ago: Trump supporters planned an event; antifa crashed the event and began their chaotic violence.  As I felt at the time, the news to me was not so much the news; the news was how the news was covered.

wrote something on the events the day after, based on a report from the Los Angeles Times.   The Times placed the blame on the left and antifa, and not on the right and Trump supporters (aka fascists, Nazis).  This was quite surprising to me at the time, considering the completely opposite narrative a couple of weeks earlier after Charlottesville.

The piece from the Times was the first I saw that morning (via Google News, I think – another interesting curve).  But by the time I published my piece, I noticed that other mainstream outlets were posting the same story – the same way: it was the left, it was antifa.  I think the second report I saw was from the Washington Post – again, a rather surprising source for such a narrative to be offered.  Then, the floodgates opened.

Time to buy old US gold coins

It was clear something had changed – it was clear a memo went out.  But I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it.

One of the better bits of analysis on this that I read, early on (a couple of days after the event), was by a regular commenter at this blog: Unhappy Conservative (2.0) August 29, 2017 at 3:00 PM.  I will only summarize, and poorly, his analysis: the violence of the left is being used as a tool to crush all dissent – right and left; no peaceful protest will be allowed by anyone, because of the violence.

I certainly have not done UC’s comments service; if you haven’t read these, it would be a worthwhile two minutes of your time.

My thoughts came around to the view that the right won’t complain about this, because the initial crushing of dissent will be against the violent left; of course, those same tools will then be turned on everyone (right included) who has a grievance against the system (which is…the right).  The right will, in the meantime, cheer on the crackdown on the violent left…until it is too late.

A friend recently sent me an analysis that outlines this much better than I could – and corresponds well with the thoughts raised by UC: Globalists will throw Antifa to the wolves to further their agenda, written by Brandon Smith and published at Personal Liberty.  I will offer only a couple of cites; if this is of interest to you, it is worth reading the entire piece.

To summarize, the goal of the establishment is to use extreme leftist groups like a short stick to prod the real tiger — conservative movements. The goal, I believe, is to enrage liberty champions to the point that they are willing to “bend the rules” and rationalize the abandonment of their morals in order to defeat what they think is a great evil.

…eventually there will be Antifa groups that are directly trained by government agencies to commit terrorist acts…

In the meantime, the Trump administration is playing its part by preparing the ground for a future martial law-style crackdown.

Again, as I have said all along, the real target has always been conservatives. Conservative principles are the primary threat to globalism.

Getting conservatives to embrace all manner of violations in order to crack down on the violent left may be the best way to get buy-in for the globalist system from the very people who protested at the ballot box against the globalist system on November 8, 2016.


Read Brandon Smith’s piece.  And thank you, Unhappy Conservative, for seeing much of this early on.

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.

The post Regime Repudiates Antifa appeared first on LewRockwell.

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