Scientists And Physicians Send Appeal About 5G Rollout And Health Dangers To The European Union

‘On September 13, 2017, more than 180 scientists and doctors sent an 11-page Appeal for a moratorium on the roll out of 5G in the European Union.
The reason for the appeal is “RF/EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment,” but 5G has not been investigated fully for potential health hazards and environmental impact by INDEPENDENT scientists, rather than industry scientists who apparently would rubber stamp 5G similarly as the other generations of telecommunications updates have been.
According to the Appeal, 5G is effective only over short distances and is transmitted poorly through solid materials. Because of that inefficiency in transmission, a tremendous number of antennas or cell towers will be needed to implement 5G service.
One key paragraph jumped out for me:
With “the ever more extensive use of wireless technologies,” nobody can avoid to be exposed. Because on top of the increased number of 5G-transmitters (even within housing, shops and in hospitals) according to estimates, “10 to 20 billion connections” (to refrigerators, washing machines, surveillance cameras, self-driving cars and buses, etc.) will be parts of the Internet of Things. All these together can cause a substantial increase in the total, long term RF-EMF exposure to all EU citizens.’
Read more: Scientists And Physicians Send Appeal About 5G Rollout And Health Dangers To The European Union

The Richie Allen Show on Max Igan – ‘The Coming 5G Roll-out & AI Will Transform Human Society By 2025’

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