Silver Kisses Summer Goodbye as Gold Leaves the Cartel in the Dust

What a week in the metals!



If anybody is out there saying that gold and silver are going to significantly drop from here, it might be smart to turn from that person and run away as fast as possible, because the only thing going down is gonna be ego and the positions of everybody that fed the bear.

Gold and silver have shown the strength we have been looking for. We knew it wasn’t going to be an easy week even though we all know these metals are just way too undervalued right now. After the massive gold dump last Friday, we knew the cartel was trying their hardest to keep gold and silver below critical levels going into options expiry. They had plenty of help from the MSM, and the Fed may have just taken the cake for the most anti-gold hit piece ever.  They even had the help of a gold and silver “Wednesday Night Flash Crash Lite”, and while it kept gold at bay for a couple hours, it didn’t even keep the price of silver down for more than 14 minutes. Look at that strength in the white metal:




Coming off the heels of that fight, gold & silver had a late afternoon surge on Thursday, and then this morning, going into the BLS Nonfarms Payrolls Report, seems like the BLS hesitated and couldn’t decide which one to click send with:


Here is the thing about market manipulation and price suppression. There is only so much downward price pressure they can apply before the manipulators have to let up, or they risk the gold and silver markets shattering and breaking into pieces.

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