In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?
While the City of London and Wall Street are busy with one last-gasp effort to salvage their (unsalvageable) financial system, with an ECB bail-in plan designed to seize all financial assets for themselves—their earlier “Cyprus Template” writ large—Russia, China and allied nations are instead orchestrating a Grand Design for Middle East and world stabilization and peace, as suggested by what might be called a “Syria Template.”
We refer to the November 21 discussions in Sochi, Russia among visiting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that country’s top military command, in which they discussed their successful cooperation to bring Syria back from the abyss. Describing the moving exchange, Helga Zepp-LaRouche today commented: “This is an incredible idea, because in two years a completely hopeless situation was turned around. There was unbelievable human suffering, with the Syrian people being exposed to an enormous ordeal, but they came out victorious.”
If that can be achieved in Syria, a microcosm of the worst horrors that the dying world order of geopolitics and looting has created, then there is no reason that a similar about-face cannot be achieved globally, building a New Paradigm around China’s keystone Belt and Road Initiative. Helga Zepp-LaRouche summarized the strategic situation as follows:
“The main dynamic of change has to come from the United States. The follow-up from the Trump visit to China is really what will determine the situation. This is a unique moment in the history of mankind, not just of the U.S. That is the sense that we must get across to people.
“There is an enormous potential. You can see that in the dynamic which was shown between Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, which was a historic meeting. You can see it in Panama now joining with China on the Belt and Road Initiative, and the President of Panama saying this is where all of Ibero-America will go. It’s there in the rapprochement between Japan and China; in the Astana-Putin process for the consolidation of the situation in Syria and beyond; and in the profound changes underway in Africa through China’s investments there.
“All of these elements are moving in a very positive direction. But the Sword of Damocles of a potential financial crash is still hanging over the world. The instruments to move the U.S. in the direction of Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws are there, but they are not yet sufficient, by any means. The potential is very clearly there, and it has never been greater. But it would also be a big mistake to think that we have won already, just because we have helped to create this potentital. Until we have a complete victory of the New Paradigm, we should not have one resting minute,” Zepp-LaRouche stated.
She concluded: “Nor should we give in to the idea that you need some sort of ‘national expression’ of sane interest. We really have to fight with people that we need a New Paradigm, a completely new set of relations where geopolitics is simply thrown out the window. Because Mankind should be defined from the future, from 10,000 years from now, looking back at the present: How do we want to live 10,000 years from now? Will we still be barbarians or will we be humans?”
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