Can We Fix Law Enforcement

It’s fine to talk theory – what would be ideal. But while working toward that, what about practical changes that don’t require a sea change evolution in consciousness? For example, what can be done – in practical terms –   about law enforcement?

That there is a problem is as obvious as Caitlyn Jenner’s Adam’s apple. The big problem – tyrannical laws based on the tyrannical idea that it’s legitimate to order people around and abuse them for not causing any harm to anyone – isn’t going to be solved absent a sea-change evolution in consciousness.

But there are some obvious fixes that would make things a lot better right now – and it’s hard to imagine anyone objecting:

Law enforcers should be required to know the law – and be fired when they are caught making up law  …

If the frau at the DMV gets it wrong, you can argue with her without fearing for your life; she isn’t armed and the worst that she can do is not give you your stickers or whatever it is you came to get. You are always free to go.

Time to buy old US gold coins

Law enforcers have guns.

Citizens who carry guns operate under extremely strict rules and are warned that they had better not operate outside the law, even by a little bit. Repercussions for doing so are severe.

And so, they rarely operate outside the law.

Shouldn’t the same standard apply to armed law enforcers? That they at least know what the law is? And be sanctioned just as severely if they step outside the bounds of the law?

Keep in mind that everything a law enforcer does – no matter how “friendly” he may seem – is backed up by a gun. You know it, he knows it. This makes every encounter between a citizen and a law enforcer inherently threatening – to the citizen.

Which is why it so important that law enforcers restrict their enforcement to the actual law – and nothing beyond the law. Put another way, no citizen should ever have to worry about law enforcement unless he has violated a law or – as the courts style it – given law enforcement some specific reason to suspect he has or may be about to violate the law.

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The post Can We Fix Law Enforcement appeared first on LewRockwell.

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