America’s Payoff from Joining The New Silk Road: Optimism

Compulsive media-followers in the United States are relatively sure about what’s going to happen in their near-term future: The government is going to shut down; millions of promising young people will be deported; an epidemic of more and more potent opiates will kill increasing tens of thousands of Americans; electronic surveillance of everyone, all the time, will continue indefinitely; President Trump’s planned $1 trillion initiative to build new infrastructure won’t happen; wars will continue in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Africa, and we’ll likely go to war with Russia in Europe or over North Korea in Asia.

Businesses have their own version: They can’t find skilled workers to fill their job openings; but they don’t raise wages anyway, because of uncertainty about what will happen when the stock-and-bond bubble crashes.

These, along with mass shootings and periodic terrorist attacks, have become the “informed expectations” of Americans, and Europeans. Things have gone very badly since the turn of the century — especially since the 2007-08 financial crash — and so, pessimism is the order of the day.

Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who has great experience with China and as an intellectual author of its “New Silk Road” policy, points out that in China, expectations are completely different. They are of economic growth, of ending poverty not only there but in very poor countries, of seeing wonders of technology and new infrastructure, of cultural cooperation with other countries and the possibilities of peace; and even — remember when millions of Americans dreamed of this? — of exploring the Moon and the Solar System.

She points out that the growing influence of China’s Belt and Road Initiative —most recently in drawing in French President Macron — is an influence for optimism and a sense of mission, not just “practical” agreements to build high-speed railroads, although those, too, can spread a cultural optimism about the future.

That mission is essential to optimism. A financial crash of the “everything bubble” is in fact coming, of a certainty. But by reinstating the Glass-Steagall bank-separation act, we can easily bring the banking system and the economy through it and increase credit to expand real economic productivity. There are ways tested in American history to get credit directed into the great infrastructure projects and the breakthrough technologies we need, even a crash fusion energy program.

The important thing is to acknowledge that the mission of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for great powers toward the world, is a successful one, and join it. The kernel of cooperation of Presidents Trump, Xi, and Putin to end 20 years of permanent war, is still there.

LaRouchePAC and the Schiller Institute have had a clear mission plan. First, stop the planned coup against Trump by British and U.S. imperial factions and intelligence agencies. Having set back that coup by mass circulation of our “Mueller Dossier”, circulate Lyndon LaRouche’s “four laws” economic policies to restore U.S. productivity and get America ready to join a new Marshall Plan in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Those are actually informed expectations for the near-term future of the country.

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