It’s the craziest thing in the world!

It’s the “craziest thing in the world.”

That’s what Bill Clinton said about ObamaCare mere weeks before the 2016 general election.

It’s not often I find myself agreeing with Bill Clinton, but on this point, I do.

Repealing ObamaCare should have been a no-brainer for the Republicans in Congress.

After all, insurance premiums on the ObamaCare exchanges have continued to skyrocket, and many insurers have abandoned the exchanges altogether. . .

In many counties across the nation, only one insurer remains!

Not only that, but middle-income families are struggling mightily to pay their inflated premiums, and many have been forced to drop their insurance as a result.

But despite that, congressional Republicans failed to repeal the disastrous law . . . and I’m afraid the news for Virginia gets even worse.

You see, the Virginia General Assembly resisted expanding ObamaCare for years — mostly because of the efforts of Campaign for Liberty supporters like you.

But since Congress failed to act and Republicans lost so many seats in last year’s state election, ObamaCare expansion is now a serious threat in Virginia.

In fact, Governor-elect Ralph Northam has made expansion a priority issue, and he only needs a couple of Big Government Republicans to force a bill into law!

It’s urgent you click here to sign your “Stop ObamaCare Expansion!” petition immediately.

ObamaCare attempts to lure states into expanding their Medicaid programs to cover citizens earning up to 138% of the federal poverty level by promising to pay a higher percentage of certain associated costs for a couple of years.

But the administrative expenses alone will cost Virginia millions from the moment the state expands the program!

And last year, the federal government began reducing the reimbursement rate significantly, leaving states that expand with an even greater burden on state taxpayers.

That means Virginia will be obligated to pay a substantial portion of the tab, which increases as time goes on — and the feds could even stop all federal funding for expansion at any time!

ObamaCare expansion supporters keep trying to sell you a bargain package of lies.

They claim NOT expanding “leaves Virginia money” on the table. They say Virginia Medicaid dollars are being spent in other states.

But according to the Congressional Research Service, that is blatantly false. They found:

“If a state doesn’t implement the ACA Medicaid expansion, the federal funds that would have been used for that state’s expansion are not being sent to another state.”

Expanding Medicaid entitlements is just plain wrong for Virginia.

States that have opted to expand their Medicaid programs under ObamaCare went millions of dollars — and in some cases billions of dollars — over budget in recent years.

In Ohio, the Kasich Administration had to take funds from their pre-expansion program that covers the truly needy — such as elderly and disabled people — and used those funds for the optional expansion that covers ABLE-BODIED individuals!

That can’t be allowed to happen here.

That’s why it’s so important you sign your “Stop ObamaCare Expansion!” petition right away.

ObamaCare expansion will cause irreparable harm to Virginia’s health care system, not to mention taxpayers like you and me.

They’ll either have to make cuts to other vital programs or raise your taxes to pay for it.

And you and I both know what that means — your taxes will go up.

That’s why it’s so important you take action right away.

And after you sign your petition, please chip in $100, $50, $25, or $10 to help Campaign for Liberty defend health care freedom and defeat ObamaCare in Virginia.

ObamaCare has decimated private insurers — killing off countless jobs in the process — and it continues to undermine competition, drive up the cost of health care, and drive health care providers out of business.

As Bill Clinton said, “it’s the craziest thing in the world” . . . but expanding it would be even crazier.

Please take action right away, and ask your friends and family to do the same.

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