The Drug Whisperers

You may have heard about people getting speeding tickets not based on the reading of a radar gun or other instrument subject to empirical verification but solely on the basis of an armed government worker’s “training,” his estimation – that is is, his opinion – about how fast the alleged offender was traveling. In some jurisdictions, this is considered acceptable evidence in court – sufficient to convict.

Now comes the Drug Whisperer. A whole army of them.

These are armed government workers such as Cobb County, Georgia’s TT Carroll – who have received similar “training” and been anointed Certified Drug Recognition Experts, ready to go to war on drugs – even if there aren’t any around.

Carroll and other “trained experts” have arrested numerous motorists on the basis of the mere assertion that they are On Dope.

Nothing more.

Certainly not on the basis of empirical evidence that they actually are On Dope, such as a blood or urine test. That’s too much of an inconvenience – and probably too factual, as well.

Instead, the DRE’s “trained” opinion that the person he has waylaid – often on the pretext of a minor traffic offense, such as driving slightly on the shoulder or touching a yellow line, probably with the DRE cop car riding their bumper – is a Doper. The victims are arrested, caged and charged – and must then prove themselves innocent of the charges.

Many of them subsequently have. At least five of Carroll’s victims were found – empirically – to have nothing in their systems whatsoever. But that took months (the state’s crime lab isn’t speedy) and the charges don’t get dropped before the court date unless the DA feels so inclined.

The presumption of guilt applies.

Carroll – and 250 other “trained” government workers in Georgia alone – use scientific techniques such as “observing the subject’s attitude” – the attitude indicating Dope Fiend or not isn’t described – followed by a roadside gymnastics performance similar to the one used to suss out “drunk” drivers. Common clumsiness – aggravated by nervousness – becomes a “tell” that the “subject” is a Doper. As does refusal to perform the test.

He must be High.

The Drug Whisperer then proceeds to an evaluation of muscle tone. If your arms feel “rigid,” you’re on dope. If they are “flaccid,” you’re also on dope!

Whatever your arms feel like, you’re on dope.

Next comes a pulse check. If yours is “high” or “low” – well, you know what that means. It doesn’t seem to matter that normal pulse rates vary tremendously from individual to individual; some people have resting pulse rates around 40 beats a minute – much lower than the average 60-70. And when you are frightened – as you just might be when standing by the side of the road being interrogated by an armed government worker looking for an excuse to cuff and stuff you – your pulse rate might just go up.

Ah-ha!. You are obviously On Dope.

Read the Whole Article

The post The Drug Whisperers appeared first on LewRockwell.

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