Putin’s Austrian Hosts: “Russia Is an Important Part of Europe”

During the official welcoming ceremony for Vladimir Putin held by Federal President of the Republic of Austria Alexander van der Bellen. Presentation of the Russian delegation. June 5, 2018, Vienna. (en.kremlin.ru)

There are reasons for optimism. Despite the terrible toll of destruction underway in Yemen, Gaza, Syria, and elsewhere in Asia and other points victimized by British geopolitically-stoked strife, developments are occurring, which give grounds for hope and action. Three events stand out.

In Europe yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin was received for a state visit to Austria, where the theme of dialogue was struck, going against all the British dirty operations to date, aimed at demonizing Putin and his nation. Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen said in welcome, “Russia is definitely an important part of Europe.” Moreover, as of July 1, Austria will take up the rotating chairmanship of the European Union for six months. On sanctions, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, they won’t buck Brussels on the EU’s current policy of anti-Russian sanctions. But Austrian leaders have indicated they will move to downsize Brussels, i.e. get a large cohort of European Commission bureaucrats fired!

President Putin said on sanctions, that the measures are “harmful for everyone–those who initiated them, and those who are targetted by them.” Today Gazprom and Austria’s OMV signed an extension until 2040, of their original 50-year-old agreement for natural gas supplies from Russia to Austria. When media pestered Kurz on why Austria isn’t buying U.S. LNG, he pointed out that it’s three times more expensive.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche observed yesterday, that more of Europe is moving towards Russia, though sometimes for the wrong reasons–namely because they can’t deal with the United States. Meantime, the NATO confrontationists continue their provocations. This week, NATO’s Operation Saber has 18,000 troops in a military exercise in the Baltics to practice defense against alleged potential “Russian aggression.”

What people need to understand, to make the whole picture come into focus, is the British (dying) Empire factor in all this, especially behind the coup attempt against the American Presidency. Of significance for this, is the article which was posted yesterday on the site of the Russian state-connected Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) think tank. Titled, “No More Doubt: It’s the U.K., Not Russia, That Meddled in the U.S. Elections,” by Harley Schlanger, identified as Vice President of the Schiller Institute USA, and National Spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche. The RIAC’s Board of Trustees includes Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Andrei Fursenko, Aide to President Putin.

The Schlanger article states, “From the beginning, the LaRouche movement in the United States has reported that there was no Russian meddling or Trump collusion, but a joint effort by U.S. and British intelligence agencies to defeat Trump, or remove him once he was elected.” He concludes, “That Trump might bring the U.S. into a full collaboration with the emerging New Paradigm, led by China and Russia, generated the hysterical response to his election, and the fiction known as Russiagate. It is this which completes the picture, and makes clear why this regime change operation against Trump must be shut down.”

Putin made reference to the consequences of the induced turmoil in the U.S. in a lengthy interview June 4 with Austria’s ORF TV network. In response to a pushy question about what is taking so long for a Trump-Putin meeting, Putin said, “As for personal meetings, I think that the possibility of these meetings depends to a large extent on the internal political stiuation in the United States.” Putin reviewed specific areas in which there is work going on between the two nations, saying “I hope that some day this work in the interests of the United States and Russia, indeed in the interests of the whole world, will begin, including between us personally.”

Thirdly, developments are moving ahead for the Korean Peninsula. The White House said last night that on June 12 in Singapore, the first meeting will start at 9 a.m., between Chairman Kim Jong-un and President Donald Trump. U.S. and D.P.R.K. officials have had their fifth session on preparations, held this time in the DMZ. This morning, Trump tweeted, “Meeting in Singapore with North Korea will hopefully be the start of something big…we will soon see!”

These events-of-the-day show that there are solutions in the world, and also indicate that they come in relation to the dynamic underway between Russia and China, where, along with India, the area accounts for nearly 3 billions of the world’s people. If we further the collaboration, and defeat the coup operation in the United States, optimism will be rewarded. There is just vengeance. Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted again today, “The principle of the Erinyes, and Ibykus is at work.”


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