We Have Met the Terrorists and They Are Us

We Have Met the Terrorists and They Are Us

Today antikrieg.com is ten years old. Antikrieg means antiwar in German. Here is an article translated from German into English:
The actual terrorists
Klaus Madersbacher
“Sometimes I wonder what a ‘culture’ is worth that is incapable of giving people enough spiritual resistance that they’ll know when they’re being lied to as cheekily as the media currently do. That lies are against the interests of the vast majority of humanity doesn´t need to be emphasized.”

I wrote these sentences in July 2011, when three major European cultural nations together with a few smaller ones under the leadership of the cultural superpower shot the peaceful country of Libya to shreds and systematically devastated it.

The crime against peace is the crime for which the Nazi leaders were executed after World War II. Today apparently only very few people know that to initiate aggression is a crime. The crime against peace – the unleashing of a war of aggression – is the most serious of war crimes.

Simply put, that means that the person/government/nation that starts a war is responsible for all the crimes committed in connection with that war.

Killing or injuring people is a crime, and the destruction of houses, infrastructure and other property are crimes regardless if they are carried out by armies with a parliamentary approved budget using sophisticated military equipment.

Even if such outstanding democratic institutions as the United States Congress, Her Majesty’s Parliament or the German Bundestag grant permission for such activities, that does not change the fact that they are crimes – war crimes under International law.

The Nazi leaders were not executed until after the Second World War. During the war they and most people in the country probably did not think that such a fate was awaiting them.

Things are not much different today. No one knows who of the leaders currently in power will end up hanging at the end of a rope if a new “Nuremberg Trial” comes after the end of the wars currently being waged by the US and its European vassals. In any case, it can be assumed that all the wars currently being fought are crimes against peace. And they won’t last forever.

Those who have started these wars and are still waging them may still have an untarnished image in the West, where their propaganda organs overwhelm facts and rational thinking and present aggression in a favorable light. But a Stalingrad 2.0 would pave the way to a Nuremberg 2.0, and the actual terrorists could find themselves in the dock where the defense of aggression as “building democracy” will not convince the jury.

The post We Have Met the Terrorists and They Are Us appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.

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