86th legislature in session; Here’s what we are watching.

A flurry of bills have been and will be filed in Austin during this 2019 biennium session. Some good bills may move ahead like property tax reform, photo enforcement ban, constitutional carry and increasing tax payer protections against tax and spend cities.

There are several threats to our liberty and much uncertainty with new Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen. Some of his early moves such as appointing anti gun Democrats to key committees that will hear gun related bills such as Constitutional Carry are very concerning. There are also several anti 2nd amendment bills already filed that are dangerous restrictions on your gun rights. Texas C4L will be in Austin fighting the whole way on all of these issues.

Stay tuned for more information as we finish our analysis of bills. Please make sure you have signed up with your email and zip code at the top of the home page to make sure I can get you the latest action alerts to you when you need to see them quickly to act!

In Liberty,
Byron Schirmbeck
State Coordinator
Texas Campaign For Liberty

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