Rep. Ilhan Omar Forced to Apologize for Stating the Obvious Truth

Rep. Ilhan Omar Forced to Apologize for Stating the Obvious Truth

Rep. Omar said, truthfully, that Congress’ support for Israel is driven by campaign donations. Would she have had to apologize if she had said that Congress’ support for big oil is driven by campaign donations?

Why is it “hurtful” and “anti-semitic” to state the truth about Israel but not about big oil, the military/security complex, the pharmaceutical corporations, etc.?

When have Representatives Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Eliot Engel, Jerry Nadler ever told the truth about President Trump? Why aren’t all the false accusations they have made against Trump hurtful?

How did it become an iron rule that among all peoples and organized interest groups in the world, only the Israel Lobby is protected from being “hurt” by someone speaking the truth?

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