Americans Must Reject Russiagate Gaslighting by Trump and Barr; Actual Content of Mueller Report Is Still Anybody’s Guess; In Any Case, Conspiracy and Obstruction Have Long Been on Public Display; If Obstruction Cannot Be Ruled Out, Conspiracy May Be Hiding Behind It; Barr’s Personal Record as Bush 41’s 1992 Iran-Contra Coverup Manager Gets More Exposure; Impeach Attorney General If His Sabotage Continues!

Trump’s New Attack on Health Care Plus Brutal Austerity Budget Foreshadow His Defeat in 2020; Britain’s Zombie Prime Minister a Three-Time Loser as Commons Rejects Her Blindfolded Brexit 344-286, Despite the Added Enticement of Her Promise to Finally Quit; Next Deadline on April 12: London Must Revoke Secession or Descend into Chaos! Webster G. Tarpley, […]

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