President Trump Knows It’s a British Coup Against Him, but the American People, Not He, Can Defeat It

President Trump and the Prime Minister of Ireland Visit the Capitol. Thursday, March 14, 2019, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The London Independent, angry, headlined its coverage yesterday of an even angrier British Foreign Office: “Trump: U.K. Government Hits Out at President’s ‘Completely False’ Suggestion Britain Invented Russia’s 2016 Election Meddling.” President Trump had just retweeted a message which said exactly that, that Russiagate was designed in part to help the British counter Russian influence, by baiting the United States into taking a hard line against Moscow. And that message in turn, retweeted one by Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who recognized Trump’s reluctant continuation of the permanent-war policy of Bush and Obama, as the direct result of the attacks of Russiagate which amount to a three-year-long running attempt at a coup.

This is clearly affecting the policies of Trump’s Administration, which are vectoring more and more toward the geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China which London and its allies want, and which Trump clearly did not want as a candidate or as President. The President publicly acknowledged that these McCarthyite attacks influenced his decision to walk out of the Hanoi summit with North Korea’s Kim without an agreement—specifically, the outrageous attacks on Trump in Congressional hearings with the perjurer Michael Cohen on the very day of that summit. They are threatening to cause the failure of his negotiations on trade and economics with China, despite his friendship with China’s President Xi Jinping.

These are neo-con attacks—and when we speak of liberal Democrats like Sen. Chuck Schumer or Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the McCarthyite-era term neo-conservative fits exactly—and the neo-cons are very much inside his administration. The British Empire, as they did with Harry Truman and tried to do with Dwight Eisenhower, are trying to use McCarthyism to force an American commitment to confrontation with great powers Russia and China, and wars in developing nations, even with a President who clearly was committed to ending those wars and attempting great-power cooperative relationships.

Trump sees the British attack but is not likely to defeat it personally. If the American people in large numbers see it, realize it is a British Empire coup attempt, and denounce it, it will fail.

There is a powerful weapon in that regard—the fact that the same attacks and worse, by the same persons including legal assassin Robert Mueller, were overcome by Lyndon LaRouche, and his ideas were bearing fruit internationally by the time of his death. Now LaRouche’s grand design for international development banks and a World Land-Bridge of great projects, is echoed in China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the progress it is making against fierce London-centered opposition in Asia, Africa, and in Europe. His proposed Four Power agreement for space colonization, crash programs in nuclear and fusion power, is there to be implemented by China, India, Russia and the United States.

What is needed is to organize for President Trump to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche, from that London-ordered persecution, and his policies will really be set loose. President Trump can do this, and free himself in the process, but it has to be the demand of Americans and others.

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