Bright Prospects Shine in Space, While Humanity’s Enemies Persist in Dangerous Conflict

Bilateral meeting between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and US President Donald Trump. April 2, 2019 - Whitehouse, Washington DC. (NATO Photo)

Events of the hour promise beautiful advances in frontier science—space and fusion energy—and also continued examples of the spirit of international cooperation to achieve them. But at the same time, this prospect is threatened by the stoking of conflict and even war, by neo-con, neo-lib and neo-human activists on behalf of the dying old order of British monetarism and geopolitics. For example, representatives of NATO countries are meeting this week in Washington, D.C., for 70th anniversary plans, and their lead agenda item so far is bashing Russia.

The backdrop for this unfolding drama, which will determine the future of mankind, perhaps for centuries to come, is the spirit of Lyndon LaRouche, whose memory strikes fear in the hearts (if they have any) of the British Imperial managers (like the writers of {The Times} of London, and evokes courage in the souls and conscience of all people of good will who were familiar with LaRouche’s life’s mission.

On the Moon today, the Chang’e-4 lander and the Yutu 2 rover have awakened again, after their two-week lunar night, and are back at work. The Yutu 2 rover has already exceeded its “three lunar day” life-expectancy, but is still functioning nicely. Photos are on their way back to Earth, and one of Yutu 2’s tasks is reportedly to get data on the age of nearby rock. This adds to the store of knowledge and technology to fulfill mankind’s extraterrestrial imperative. Also starting this week in Russia, three American astronauts will be training for the International Space Station, at the Yuri Gargarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

Most exciting, this week the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the go-ahead for a new fusion research center, which will have integrated facilities for various lines of inquiry, including magnetic confinement, and a tokamak. A timetable of goals has been set, to be able to build fusion power plants by the time of 2050, and to obviously have great contributions for space propulsion.

Place against this positive perspective, the conflict-promotion going on to pit the United States against Russia and China, and to cause the U.S. to fall out and attack neighbors in the Americas, and the danger is clear. The script is the tired old British Great Game, of creating geopolitical traps. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is at the White House today, and speaks tomorrow to a joint session of Congress, traditionally reserved only for heads of state and government. Speaking in Brussels yesterday, Stoltenberg outlined a fierce anti-Russia focus for the NATO meeting. “On Thursday, we will begin by addressing NATO’s relations with Russia. Russia continues to violate the INF Treaty…. Russia continues to defy our calls to return to compliance with the INF Treaty, and time is running out…. NATO is also concerned by Russia’s pattern of aggressive behavior with Ukraine and Georgia…” and so on.

Echoes of this same line are coming from within President Donald Trump’s own administration from the neo-con crowd, when it comes to Venezuela right now, plus China-bashing over the Belt and Road in Central and South America. We are going to investigate the people pushing the British policy agenda, and expose their criminal origins to the American people, who love President Trump, in substantial part, because of his commitment to world peace.

The coming weeks, as we move toward the June Memorial of Lyndon LaRouche’s life, are a time when many Americans and world citizens can be moved to finally proudly affiliate with LaRouche, by adding their names to the call for his exoneration, and by working with us to ensure that Lyn’s vision of a New Paradigm for mankind becomes reality.

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