Russiagate Hoax Collapsing on Many Fronts — Now Bring the US, Russia and China Together To Replace the British Empire Forever

President Donald J. Trump gives remarks in the Rose Garden following his meeting with Congressional Democrats | May 22, 2019 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The Russia hoax did not begin with the treasonous targetting of Donald Trump by the Obama intelligence team. It began in 2014, when that same team of corrupt intelligence officials, together with Obama’s State Department and their cohort George Soros, backed by the fake-news media, implemented the British plot to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine, openly supporting the neo-nazi gangs running a violent “color revolution” against the elected Ukrainian government. Dispersing $5 billion dollars to anti-Russia NGOs, handing out cupcakes to swastika-bearing thugs on the Maidan, Obama’s representative Victoria Nuland and her pal Christopher Steele — the same MI6 agent who later concocted the phony dossier on Trump — ran a criminal, violent coup, blamed the Russians, and launched their drive for World War III.

Then candidate Donald Trump captured the sentiment of a US population disgusted with economic decay, perpetual colonial warfare, the intentional drugging up of their friends and their children, and the culture of pessimism and ugliness. His promise to restore the American System resonated with a citizenry which had witnessed fifty years of organizing by the LaRouche movement, which both warned of the threat of depression and war under the British-dominated monetary and strategic policies of the Bushes and Obama, while also putting forth the necessary economic, strategic, and cultural policies to achieve a new, productive and peaceful world order.

LaRouche alone warned of the evil of the green psychosis poisoning the historic American optimism. LaRouche alone identified the fact that “Dope Incorporated” was run by the London and Wall Street banks, the same speculative banks which orchestrated and financed the endless wars demanded by the “military-industrial complex.” LaRouche alone campaigned for a Moon-Mars project, to realize mankind’s “extra-terrestrial imperative.” LaRouche alone posed the necessity of ending the British Empire once and for all, with its geopolitical, bestial view of man — nothing less — and that this could only be achieved by the United States joining with Russia, China, and India, at a minimum, to replace the bankrupt British monetary system with a new creditary system based on the Hamiltonian principles that had created the original American System. LaRouche alone proposed the “New Silk Road” to unite East and West following the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the means to end geopolitics forever and establish a new world order based on sovereign states dedicated to the common aims of mankind.

All of this is now within our grasp, and has been put forward, or at least hinted at, by President Trump. If it is to be achieved, the American people must face the fact that the persecution and prosecution of Lyndon LaRouche in the 1980s, by the same people who ran the failed coup against President Trump, prevented these policies from being implemented back then, before the disastrous degeneration of these past thirty years.

LaRouche’s exoneration by President Trump would place this truth before the world, and give the President the public and international support he requires to throw off the British straitjacket imposed by the corrupt Congress, the fake-news media, the neoconservatives, and the neoliberals. The time is short. The time is now. The potential for victory has never been greater.

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