The End of an Era, the Beginning of Another

Former Prime Minister Theresa May travelled to France for the Online Harms Summit held at the Élysée Palace, Paris. May 15, 2019 (flicker/number10gov)

(Note: since the writing of this article, Theresa May has, hours ago, just announced that she would be stepping down as leader of her Conservative Party and then as Britain’s prime minister. -ed) The British Empire is stumbling into oblivion from one day to the next. If we grasp Lyndon LaRouche’s concepts, we can put them out of their misery forever and raise mankind from its adolescence into its adulthood as mankind in the Solar system, organized in perfectly sovereign nation-states freely collaborating in the common interest. And Like the fall of the Berlin Wall and of the Communist Bloc, which only Lyndon LaRouche forecast six years before the fact, or like King Belshazzar’s loss of his kingdom and his life within a day of the “handwriting on his wall”—so the final end of the London-based Anglo-Dutch system can be made to happen far faster than anyone now imagines possible.

In India, virtually all predictions, except some from stalwarts of Modi’s own BJP party, had said that PM Modi would lose his majority in parliament in the just-concluded national elections. But what happened was just the opposite: Modi swept the elections, winning a far bigger majority than before. The nay-sayers had pointed to some unsuccessful, unpopular measures Modi had undertaken, and to his failure to fully meet his goals for new jobs and for water, power and transportation infrastructure for India’s vast rural areas. But they knew absolutely nothing about a potential transformation in thinking which is apparently churning among some of the hundreds of millions of India’s farmers. This change is probably related to their knowledge of China’s extremely rapid development from 1978, when it was poorer than India, to the highly-developed China of today. Other factors will probably appear over the coming days.

Both Modi’s stunning re-election, and even more the possible factor in it as cited above, strengthen India’s potential to act as part of the Four-Power Alliance with the United States, China and Russia, which Lyndon LaRouche has forecast could bury the British Empire forever by establishing a “New Bretton Woods” world credit system to replace the current London-centered monetary system.

At the same time, it seems hardly possible that Theresa May will still be Britain’s Prime Minister when President Trump begins his state visit to the U.K. on June 3. At best, she will only be a caretaker acting Prime Minister, standing by while her Tory Party moves through a procedure to replace her. But even if that happens, it will not solve the problem either—and many worse outcomes are possible, as the British system of government continues to unravel with no end in sight. Even a General Election will probably do nothing to slow its collapse.

The British cast their votes in the European Parliament elections yesterday, but official results will not be announced until this Sunday, May 26, after polls close in the last EU countries to vote. Exit polls are forbidden, but the last polls before the vote showed Nigel Farage’s three-month old Brexit Party leading with 33%, Labour at 18.5%, and Theresa May’s ruling Tory Party at 11.8%, its worst showing in a national election since the party was formed in 1834. British MPs expect to know the drift of the results tomorrow, Friday, and may force May to resign on the spot or announce when she will go.

As President Trump prepares to leave for London, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA). the Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, has sent the President a very detailed open letter which advises him to request all the particulars of Britain’s involvement in “Russiagate” from the beginning, and everyone and every government with which they collaborated or communicated, and how. He especially zeroes in on Joseph Mifsud—the FBI is refusing to turn over their information on Mifsud. Nunes is echoing LaRouchePAC’s long-standing demand that the British turn over everything they have on the attempted coup, which will complement Trump’s upcoming declassification of all U.S. materials.

The British forces, for their part, have connived to derail the U.S.-China trade talks, at least for now. And before a scheduled second White House meeting on national infrastructure yesterday, Democrats who should have known better, held a meeting on impeachment, effectively cancelling chances for bipartisan cooperation for the general welfare. Although President Trump has not only announced a Moon-Mars mission, but has become the first U.S. President to request funds for it from Congress—yet some Democrats, clearly not Kennedy Democrats, have seen fit to play politics with that request. Meanwhile, U.S media are trying to black out President Trump’s space program, so NASA is reaching around the fake-news media with You Tube postings watched by millions, like Trump with his tweets.

But recall the quatrain from the “Rubaiyat” of Omar Khayyam:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.


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