Trump Is Deploying Pompeo To Establish Constructive Relations with Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Meets with US President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House, May 10, 2019.

While one may wonder why President Donald Trump would send Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as his emissary to meet with Sergey Lavrov and Vladimir Putin this coming week, given Pompeo’s regular rants against Russia as a threat to the United States and “our democratic way of life,” it is apparent that Trump trusts him to represent the President — not himself — in these crucial meetings. A State Department press briefing “on background” (i.e., the name of the briefer was to remain unreported), on Pompeo’s upcoming visit to Moscow and Sochi, explicitly asserted that “part of our Russian policy is: It is in our interest to have a better relationship with Russia.” The briefer quoted President Trump: “A productive dialogue is not only good for the United States and good for Russia, but it is good for the world…. If we are going to solve many of the problems facing our world, then we are going to have to find ways to cooperate in pursuit of shared interests.”

Indeed, Russia, and Putin in particular, is proving to be absolutely essential in resolving the multiple hot spots around the world — Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan — any one of which could explode into full-scale war and threaten a global conflict. Pompeo, Bolton, and VP Pence are stoking the flames of such conflicts, knowing full well that they are essentially “surrogate” wars against Russia and China, while also aimed directly at President Trump himself — to undermine Trump’s policy intention that the U.S. should be friends with Russia and China.

Trump deployed Special Representative on North Korea Stephen Biegun to Moscow; he deployed Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad to Moscow; he spoke for 90 minutes with Putin by phone, discussing all these crisis situations; and now he is deploying Secretary Pompeo to Sochi to meet with both Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin. Trump and Putin will both be attending the G20 meeting in Osaka on June 28-29. A summit there, or even earlier, is a possibility, and an urgent necessity.

The trade talks with China did not conclude with an agreement, and Trump, as is his custom, upped the pressure with increased tariffs on Chinese goods — which China will counter with their own tariffs or similar measures. But both Trump and Chinese trade negotiator Liu He are insistent that progress was made and that the talks will continue. Trump has welcomed a summit with Xi Jinping as soon as the trade deal can be reached.

In the U.S., the escalation of a counter-attack against those responsible for acting on behalf of British intelligence to bring down the government of the United States, an act of treason, is escalating. Most importantly, Roger Stone, a close friend of Donald Trump for 40 years, and a public sponsor of the Schiller Institute and the work of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, has broken the deadlock on the ultimate lie contained in the Mueller report, and the basis of the fraudulent Russiagate investigation itself: Stone issued a motion in the court hearing Mueller’s criminal case against him, which motion exposes the fact that the presumed Russian hack of the Democratic Party’s computers never happened, using the proof by William Binney that there was no hack at all, but a download, probably by a disgruntled Sanders supporter furious that the DNC was illegally undermining Sanders’ candidacy in favor of Hillary Clinton.

The evidence provided by the LaRouchePAC from day one of the fraudulent Russiagate hoax is now before the Congress, before the Courts, and increasingly before the citizens of the United States and the world. The exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche by President Trump — the current battle cry of the Schiller Institute and LaRouchePAC — would massively expand this exposure of the British Empire’s continuing campaign to assert their imperial power over their former colony. But even more important, it would free the minds of the American people to reflect on the powerful and beautiful ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, which have been denied them over these past fifty years through the repression of him and his ideas by the British and the British assets within the United States.

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