G20—A Point of Potential for Great Power Leadership; LaRouche Living Legacy Is Inspiration

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks during a D-Day National Commemorative Event Wednesday, June 5, 2019, at the Southsea Common in Portsmouth, England. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Today, the Trumps will be in France for the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, with other state leaders, veterans, and others. While at today’s ceremonies at Portsmouth Naval Base in England (the embarkation point for the D-Day invasion), Trump’s contribution was to read an excerpt of the prayer given by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a radio address on June 6, 1944, as the U.S. and Allied forces were crossing the English Channel: “Almighty God, our sons, pride of our nation, this day, have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity.”

The living legacy of Lyndon LaRouche stands to provide the inspiration and guidance for all those active in the urgent task of realigning the United States into the world drive for a future of development and peace—a new paradigm. Lyndon LaRouche has led the way for decades, which is critical, given the many dangerous conflicts at present. But one point of positive potential is the Group of 20 summit June 26-28 in Japan, where, among the heads of state, the consultations can take place between the great power leaders—Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and U.S. President Donald Trump, and others, which could literally change the world.

Yesterday in Moscow, Putin and Xi Jinping met and spent time together in several activities—including a special Bolshoi cultural program, prior to tomorrow’s participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. While they were said to have discussed what the Kremlin called “ways of further deepening the comprehensive Russian-Chinese partnership and strategic cooperation,” including signing a package of documents, Xi Jinping also stressed, speaking just before their meeting, that not only the Chinese and Russian peoples, but “the international community place[s] great expectations on us. We are ready to continue expanding the positive effect of our high-level relations together.”

Meantime, in Britain—ground zero for the legacy of geopolitics and monetarist collapse—the three-day state visit of President Trump and the First Lady ended yesterday. They have proceeded to Ireland for evening meetings. Throughout the many media occasions in London, Trump reiterated his view that Britain will be better off outside the European Union, while otherwise, he thanked his royalist hosts with superlatives.

One very notable matter occurred during the visit of the Trumps, with The Times of London yesterday posting news pertaining to the Trump Administration’s investigation of the origin of the fake Russia-Gate/Trump-Gate. The article was headlined, “Christopher Steele: MI6 Agent To Face Questions On Trump Russia Dossier.” The Times reports that Steele has reversed his prior opposition to talking with the Department of Justice, and may now do so within a few weeks, on certain conditions he wants, such as limiting it to his contacts with the FBI. While giving other details, the timing and content indicate this is barely the surface of what is really going on.

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