LaRouche Says, U.S. and China Must Cooperate — In Space, Fusion Power, Great Development Projects

Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche address Pasadena, CA Schiller Institute conf, "Developing the Pacific anjd Ending the Grip of Empire." November 2, 2013 (Schiller Institute Photo)

What seems to be the biggest economic and strategic issue in the world today, was clearly stated by Lyndon LaRouche some 22 years ago in a crucial public presentation. LaRouche said then, on May 10, 1997: The United States and China are the two nations whose relationship matters most for the future of humanity in the 21st century; they must cooperate to advance economic development worldwide.

Yesterday afternoon, days before a memorial to LaRouche’s life and work to be held in New York City, his wife, Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, re-emphasized that fact. She said that between that LaRouche Memorial day June 8, and the G20 meeting in Osaka on June 28-29—where President Donald Trump is likely to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi—many, many leading figures must come out strongly for a policy of cooperation in development between the United States and China. Those four powers, in fact, can cooperate in a new international system of credit for great infrastructure projects and economic development of the developing sector. But the America-China relationship, which Zepp-LaRouche said was now “up in the air,” is the one which must be righted.

The “alternative” is to believe propaganda, and join the party which wants superpower confrontations, even war, instead of development. Not two years ago, millions of Americans knew President Donald Trump wanted a good, cooperative relationship with China, and supported him 100% on it. Millions more knew, directly or indirectly, what rapid economic and scientific progress China has made, how many millions it has taken out of poverty. Two years later, many of those millions believe war propaganda so crazy, that they think Chinese companies make subway cars to spy on them.

Three years ago, millions of Americans respected Russia’s President for helping bring President Barack Obama back from the brink war in Syria—which Americans overwhelmingly opposed. The war party, led by British and U.S. intelligence agencies attacking President Trump, blasted out anti-Russia propaganda for three years. That has now been exposed as an attempted coup against President Trump by the British Empire and its war party. Whether the President demanded satisfaction in the U.K., by asking pointed questions about the figures who pushed for his overthrow, is “up in the air” as of this point.

Lyndon LaRouche also often remarked that some people are inner-directed, and act on their own knowledge and convictions, while there are many who are other-directed, and try to say what they think they should be overheard saying by others. This kind of propaganda works that way. The U.S. Secretary of State told a major Swiss newspaper that if you have a Chinese-made cell phone, all your information goes straight to the head of the Chinese Communist Party!

Who chooses—all of a sudden—to believe such things, can forget new infrastructure projects in the United States, or fair prices for farm crops, or reviving a manned Moon program and then to Mars, or breaking through to fusion energy. The war party has no such interests.

What the American Presidency will be—regarding cooperation or confrontation with the other leading scientific and economic powers—as of that G20 meeting of heads of state and government in three weeks, is also up in the air. It’s up to us.


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