One Day Before the Group of 20 Meetings

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One, Thursday, June 27, 2019, upon his arrival to Osaka International Airport, to attend the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Among the important meetings scheduled on the sidelines of the Group of 20 meeting this Friday and Saturday in Osaka, Japan, is that between Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Among other subjects, they will discuss increased Japanese participation in China’s epoch-making Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure-building program across Eurasia and Africa—and President Xi’s forthcoming visit to Japan, as the first Chinese president to visit since 2008. President Trump and Xi Jinping will meet Saturday on restarting trade talks and denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

There will be a trilateral meeting among Presidents Xi and Putin and India’s Prime Minister Modi. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche has pointed out, the missing party there is President Trump. The great late statesman Lyndon LaRouche had pointed to China, Russia, India and the United States as the four great powers capable of putting an end to the present, London-dominated imperial world monetary system, and replacing it by a world credit-system of freely-associated sovereign nation-states, along the lines which Franklin Roosevelt had intended for the Bretton Woods system before his untimely death.

On Friday at 2:00 PM local time (1:00 AM Eastern Standard), is scheduled a one-hour meeting between Presidents Putin and Trump. The Russian government has indicated that the two men will determine their own agenda. This appears likely to be a closed, one-on-one meeting like the one they had at Helsinki in July, 2018. (Note that NGOs are suing the Trump Administration to force them to make available the translators’ notes of that Helsinki meeting.)

In speaking of the Trump-Putin meeting, one must add a big “if.” There are forces which are so afraid of that meeting that they are willing to accelerate a slide towards World War III to prevent it. Remember how Robert Mueller issued bogus indictments against Russian intelligence officers to disrupt Helsinki. How Ukraine provoked a naval incident in the Kerch Strait to force the cancellation of the Trump-Putin meeting scheduled for the last G20 meeting late last year. Indeed, remember how President Trump was pursuing indirect negotiations with Iran through Japanese Prime Minister Abe, at precisely the moment of the suspicious attacks on two tankers on June 13, for which Pompeo immediately blamed Iran with no evidence.

Who are the provocateurs? It is a “third force” which hates both Russia and the United States. One clear indication is the background of the massive economic sanctions with which the U.S. Congress has hit Russia, especially since Trump was elected—the single biggest factor in the breakdown of relations.

Listen to one of the designers of those sanctions, the anglophile Carnegie Endowment, in their April 3 report, “U.S. Sanctions on Russia.”

They begin: “Many in Congress have come to the conclusion that tougher sanctions on Russia are in order. Their activism can serve as a useful check on the Trump administration but, ideally, should not undermine unity with key U.S. allies.

“Congress is slowly ratcheting up the pressure on two popular targets: the Kremlin and U.S. President Donald Trump’s well-advertised desire to get along with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin….

“Against that backdrop, many in Congress have come to the conclusion that tougher sanctions on Russia are in order, if only to box in the Trump administration. In the words of Senator Robert Menendez, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, `Trump’s willful paralysis in the face of Kremlin aggression has reached a boiling point in Congress.'”

Carnegie notes the February introduction of another sanctions bill called DASKA (by Lindsay Graham), but laments that another clash with Russia will be needed before it can become law, under the subhead, “Waiting for a Trigger.” On the passage of the very first monster-sanctions bill against Russia under Trump, CAATSA, in August of 2017, Carnegie writes that it was “welcome news that Congress had effectively tied Trump’s hands on Russia policy.”

CAATSA passed with near-unanimity. Where was your Congressman while the seeds of World War III were being sown, and are being sown now?

Speaking June 25, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, “The strategic situation, while we got off the 10 minute countdown to what could have become World War III, is not at that point any more, but I would absolutely urge not to give in to any de-escalation about the tension of the situation and the danger that a similar kind of situation could repeat itself very quickly, and I will immediately tell you why this is also the case still in respect to Iran.” She went on to quote President Trump’s remarks about “obliterating” Iran if it attacked the U.S., even after he took the world off the 10-minute countdown by cancelling plans to attack Iran last week.

The American people, emphatically including President Trump’s base, are extremely concerned about the danger of war. This was proven again when polls showed that the Trump base supported Tulsi Gabbard overwhelmingly over all other candidates in the Democratic candidates’ debate last night. Gabbard had aimed her remarks almost exclusively against the danger of war, emphasizing the danger of war with Iran and of nuclear war, and her determination not to go to war.

If Lyndon LaRouche were alive, he would be acting against it, as Helga is. LaRouche was framed up and imprisoned in 1986 by the same British-led apparatus which has tried to frame President Trump, even including the same hatchetman, Robert Mueller. LaRouche’s exoneration will mean that the black shadow of apparent forgetfulness—actually fear—which covers his decades of very public policy-shaping in the Americas, Europe and Asia. will be lifted at last. His unique means of solution for this war and economic crisis, like the Strategic Defense Initiative which he drafted for President Reagan, will be publicly acknowledged and available to President Trump now.

Where does your Congressman stand on the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche?

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