Pull Us Back From War and Economic Collapse: Push For Lyndon Larouche’s Exoneration

F/A-18E Super Hornet launches from an aircraft carrier during "Northern Edge," one in a series of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command exercises in 2019 that prepares joint forces to respond to crisis in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo)

Much of the world now fears another, more catastrophic American war in Southwest Asia — the American public and military ranks both strongly oppose any more war there — and the Russian President has just said that U.S.-Russian relations “are getting worse by the hour.” They got very much more dangerous over the weekend, when the New York Times was used by a “dual power” in the White House to state publicly that the United States cybercommand was planting cyberweapons in the Russian electricity grid without President Trump’s knowledge or approval. “Virtual treason,” the President called it.

As Prof. Stephen Cohen of American Committee for East-West Accord has put it in a clear analysis in The Nation today, another Cuban Missiles Crisis threatens where war provocations implicating Russia are being conducted by U.S. military or other officials without the knowledge or agreement of the President.

Why do so publicly, as John Bolton’s National Security Council and the New York Times colluded to do? The President cannot then countermand those provocations, or even discuss them with the Russian President, without being charged with capitulation by his political enemies. And in President Donald Trump’s case, those enemies’ central command has been exposed, in “Russiagate,” as British intelligence. They have the explicit policy of fabricating charges of “collusion” with Putin, in order to drive Trump out of office, or to war.

Why do so now? To make a meaningful Trump-Putin meeting at the G20 conference impossible.

The most crucial relationship, between the United States and China, which President Trump has clearly wanted to make one of strategic cooperation and economic progress, is in drastic need of improvement from a state of trade war. And India has been hit by U.S. sanctions aimed at Iran and at Huawei, and has retaliated with tariffs. But the President strongly praised President Xi Jinping again in his Tuesday night campaign rally, even while insisting China had taken advantage of America economically.

These are the leaders — Presidents Xi and Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi — with whom President Trump must meet productively at the G20 meeting in Japan in just over a week. That is the chance for peace, and for American cooperation with the new Asia-centered paradigm represented by the Belt and Road Initiative.

Otherwise we face not only permanent war but another, early, financial crash.

Obviously, a dramatic intervention from within the United States population is needed before that summit. As we told the Trump supporters at the Orlando rally, the intervention must come from “Lyndon LaRouche’s United States.” It was LaRouche who throughout his life fought British intelligence, and the British financial empire, the British Empire in short, as no other adversary. It was LaRouche from whom the “Eurasian Land-Bridge” and then “World Land-Bridge” infrastructure vision came since the 1990s, which has taken form as China’s Belt and Road Initiative. It was LaRouche who fought for an America which could issue credit and make machine tools for development of the underdeveloped nations, as FDR wanted to do. It was LaRouche who, when the United States abandoned the manned Moon and Mars missions in the 1970s, kept the spirit of American space colonization alive for 40 years, seeing it as a “science driver” and educational spur for the future.

He was ridiculed by the media for the last, prosecuted under Robert Mueller’s leadership for all his other works. His exoneration now, involving President Trump, is the intervention needed. Few events would so interest the rest of the world, and in the longer run, affect the United States.

A new video is being released on Friday, June 21, on LaRouche’s life and the facts exposing his prosecution. Its wide, wide circulation is crucial. The situation must be changed.

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