The British Empire’s G20 ‘War Diplomacy’ Kicks Into High Gear; So Does the LaRouche Movement’s Global New Paradigm Alternative

President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation | July 16, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The British Empire is hell-bent on preventing President Donald Trump from sitting down with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, China’s Xi Jinping, and India’s Narendra Modi at the upcoming June 28-29 Group of 20 summit in Osaka, Japan to address the planet’s leading problems in a cooperative spirit. They fear that an entirely new world economic order could quickly emerge from such cooperation, bringing their Empire to its well-earned demise.

To prevent that, the British and their allies in Washington are out to unleash war in the Middle East, massive cyber-attacks against Russia’s infrastructure, economic warfare against China — and executing a de facto coup d’état against President Trump in order to have a free hand to carry this policy out. As a result, the danger of an escalation to actual thermonuclear war between the U.S. and Russia and China, is greater than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Putin has warned that “If we don’t keep this `fiery dragon’ under control, if we let it out of the bottle—God forbid—this could lead to global catastrophe.” His diplomats are echoing the tenor and substance of those remarks nearly daily. China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has warned the U.S. to “not open a Pandora’s box” with its escalating provocations around Iran.

Despite these dangerous developments, President Trump initiated a phone conversation with President Xi Jinping on June 18, and later announced that the two leaders would have an “extended meeting” on the sidelines of the G20 summit. Xi in turn stated he was prepared to “exchange views on fundamental issues concerning the development of China-U.S. relations.” As for a possible meeting between Trump and Putin, nothing has yet been agreed to in that regard.

The confirmation of the Trump-Xi meeting is an encouraging step, yet no amount of good will alone is sufficient to actually come up with a solution to the breakdown crisis that is ripping through the entire trans-Atlantic financial and political system. That requires a shift to an entirely New Paradigm in economics, in political relations, in thinking itself—a New Renaissance of the sort that is present in principle in the life and works of Lyndon LaRouche.

With that vision clearly in mind, and with the pressing urgency of the strategic crisis bearing down upon us, the LaRouche movement this Friday, June 21 will be rolling out two videos on Lyndon LaRouche—one, a devastating documentary on his trial and incarceration; the second, of the June 8 Memorial on “The Triumph of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.”—videos which jointly cry out for LaRouche’s full exoneration, so that his ideas can be taken up by the Presidency of the United States and by the entire world in this moment of existential crisis.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche got to the heart of the matter in a brief video-recorded message she sent to the forum on the Belt and Road Initiative on June 16, co-sponsored by the Schiller Institute and the Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles, which included the following:

“What we want to encourage, is that a whole chorus of countries, around the world, should issue the same message: We want to cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative, but we emphatically insist that the United States must be part of it. Because I do not think that otherwise a solution to the urgent problems of the world can be found, and there are many urgent problems, not only the U.S.-China trade war, which has made people very upset in China, but also, as President Putin pointed out at the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the model of globalization is presently deteriorating.

“So, we hope that at the upcoming G20 meeting in Osaka later this month, the Presidents of the United States, Russia, China, and the Prime Minister of India, would decide to implement a new credit system, a New Bretton Woods system, because it is urgent to avoid the danger of a coming financial crash of the Western financial system. If that would occur, then other countries could join.

“And I think we are at such an historical epoch, where we are really seeing the development of a completely new potential of civilization. We should look at where is mankind supposed to be 100 years from now…. I think if we focus on that, and the common aims of mankind, then the beautiful vision of President Xi Jinping, to have a shared community for the future of the one mankind, can become a reality.”

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