The Eyes of the World Are on LaRouche’s U.S.

President Donald J. Trump addresses his remarks during a D-Day National Commemorative Event Wednesday, June 5, 2019, at the Southsea Common in Portsmouth, England.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

A memorial event celebrating the life and legacy of American statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., was held in Manhattan on June 8, 2019, with simultaneous satellite events watching across the country. Around the world as well, the eyes of many of the leaders of humanity are trained on LaRouche and his United States, as the decisive factor in this most dangerous⁠—and hopeful⁠—of moments in history.

Jacques Cheminade, long-time friend and associate of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, and head of the French Solidarité & Progrès party, began his report to associates in Europe on the June 8 “Triumph of Lyndon LaRouche” Memorial, with the following thought:

“At the Conference on the Dialogue of Asian Civilizations on May 15 in Beijing, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said: `It is the characteristic of turning points in history that the majority of people have no concept of what is occurring.’ (The European elections are proof of that, I might add.) `Only those visionaries who have a clear idea of the positive potential of the future are able to intervene in the process at moments of decision, to avert potential catastrophes, and instead usher in a new epoch of humanity. We find ourselves in such a phase change.’

“And in that phase change, what was celebrated in the United States on June 8 as `The Triumph of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.’ is a key point for what is going to be our future, and for what we are doing to create that future, as Helga LaRouche defined it in Beijing. With Lyndon LaRouche’s presence in our minds and in our will, that is exactly the measure of the challenge.

“Lyndon LaRouche has always been a fighter against physical and mental serfdom; and now the fight against mental serfdom is key, together with the fight against oppression, exclusion, and exploitation in the social and economic realm,” Cheminade stated.

That decisive battle is in fact upon us now. With the financial, political and moral institutions of Western Europe and North and South America crumbling, developments in Asia now assume center stage. In Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will meet on June 13-14, where there will also be a set of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the main event among Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Their agenda will center on developing a workable, cooperative alternative to the military, economic, political and cultural clash of civilizations which the British Empire would unleash across the planet.

The fruit of those discussions will then be brought to the summit of the G20 nations that will be held in Osaka, Japan on June 28-29, where the critical additional voice of U.S. President Donald Trump, among others, will enter the discussion. The governments of China and Russia, in particular, continue to issue sharp warnings of the grave danger that the planet faces on its current economic and strategic trajectory, while urging President Trump to work with them on defining a different pathway.

Less than a week ago, President Putin used the occasion of a June 6 meeting with the heads of international news agencies at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum to again warn the world of the danger of nuclear war: “If we do not keep this `fiery serpent’ under control, if we let it out of the bottle, God forbid, this could lead to a global catastrophe,” he stated. “Everyone is pretending to be deaf, blind or dyslexic. We have to react to this somehow, don’t we? Clearly, so.”

And again on June 11, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated: “It is of principal importance that Russia and the U.S. calm the rest of the world and pass a joint statement at a high level that there can be no victory in a nuclear war and therefore it is unacceptable and inadmissible.”

China, for its part, continues to urge the United States to abandon the course of economic confrontation and trade and technological warfare, and cooperate instead with the Belt and Road Initiative in a new, win-win global architecture. Many forces inside the United States, Chinese media have noted, fully favor such an approach as well.

The voice of the United States will be decisive in determining which way the whole planet goes, as President Trump is well aware. That is why the voice of the United States that must be heard is that of Lyndon LaRouche.

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