The G20 — Make It a Turning Point for Humanity

President Donald J. Trump participates in a trilateral meeting Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and India Prime Minister Narenda Modi at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Official White House Photo)

The great paradox of our age is starkly posed to the world in this month of June: on the one hand, the threat of multiple crises spinning out of control on many fronts, both economically and strategically; and on the other, the world’s leaders coming together on June 27-28 for the G20 Summit in Asia — the center of the world’s greatest cooperative development project in history, in the Belt and Road Initiative.

In the US, the Democratic Party is being driven by Robert Mueller’s devious press conference and by the increasingly psychotic Democratic Party radicals (including most of the mob of candidates running for the presidential nomination) to tie up the Congress, and the daily news cycle, with an impeachment campaign. Meanwhile, the desperately needed Congressional action to deal with the devastating destruction of the floods across the agricultural heartland, together with a near-total shutdown of agricultural sales to China due to the escalating trade war, is stalled in the dis-functional Congress. Any long-term solutions to the financial bubble or the gaping infrastructure deficit are not even being considered.

In Europe, the EU is close to disintegration, with government upheavals in the UK, France, Germany, Greece, Austria, and other countries. The victory of the Green Party in nearly every major city of Germany in last month’s European Parliamentary election foretells the doom of Germany as an industrial and scientific nation, through a self-destructive process more severe than that intended by the vile Morganthau plan to de-industrialize Germany after WWII.

And yet, the Trump Administration’s Department of Justice, under Attorney General William Barr, has launched a no-holds-barred investigation into the actual root of all these problems: the British Empire and its assets within the United States who thought they could bring down a President, whose “crime” was to promote friendly relations with Russia and China. The neoconservatives and Wall Street operatives who surround the President have done everything in their power to block Trump’s intentions: refusing to follow his orders to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan; provoking crises in Venezuela, Iran, and North Korea with the intention to overcome Trump’s rejection of “regime- change” wars; falsely accusing China of reneging on proposed trade agreements in order to subvert a nearly completed deal; and peddling the “big lie” in the Mueller report that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

And yet, a solution is very much at hand. Trump intends to personally meet with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Nerendra Modi at the G20 Summit — precisely the four world leaders Lyndon LaRouche identified as the necessary combination to replace the decrepit British monetary system with a global credit system, to fuel the vast development potential of an expanded New Silk Road — as the title of the EIR Special Report conveys: “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.” It is only by acting personally, face to face with other world leaders, that Trump can, potentially, act on the LaRouche program.

The three weeks leading up to the G20 Summit must see a full mobilization of nations and individuals to bring about this necessary breakthrough. The Memorial for Lyndon LaRouche this coming Saturday in Manhattan, and the petition drive to convince Trump to exonerate LaRouche, form the launching point for this mobilization.

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