The LaRouche Case: Robert Mueller’s First Hit Job
The use of political hitman, acting at the behest of the British government and the White House, and abusing the legal system to take out a political opponent didn’t start with Donald Trump. Now, as a reckoning begins to occur for those who sought to take out the President, that reckoning must include the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche if it is to be true and faithful to the cause of justice and freedom in the United States.
LaRouche, a genius and a visionary, was intended to be consigned to the realm of bad guys and crazies by the calculated smear campaign which accompanied his prosecution. An objective and fresh examination of his ideas now is vital to the survival of this country and its President, an event which would follow, most naturally, by removing the completely unjust stain of this prosecution. This is the story of the legal atrocity against this man concocted by Robert Mueller, among others.
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