This Week in Congress

The Senate will consider nominations and begin work on the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. The major piece of legislation is finishing work on H.R. 2740, the Labor-HHS-Education, Energy and Water and State Department and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.

For more on the bill see here.

The Republicans are insisting on roll-call votes on the 221 amendments to the bill, so it will take awhile.

Following completion of this bill, the House will move on to H.R. 3055, another “omnibus” appropriations bill.

I’ll be preparing summaries of the appropriations bills, as well as looking at some key amendments over the next few weeks.

The House only considered one suspension bill this week, H.R. 3253, which deals with certain parts of the Medicaid program. The bill passed by a vote of 371-46. You can see the roll-call here.

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