A Space New Deal: LaRouche’s Fourth Law Makes Trump’s Moon-Mars Mission a Necessity – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

A Space New Deal: LaRouche's Fourth Law Makes Trump's Moon-Mars Mission a Necessity – Fireside Chat

We are at a turning point here in the U.S. following the collapse of aspects of the coup in Robert Mueller’s pathetic performance before the Congress on Wednesday. Reflect how the mainstream media greeted the anniversary of Apollo. While thousands thronged the National Mall in optimism and enthusiasm about Apollo and space exploration, the next frontier for mankind; the American population was repeatedly knifed with an active measures propaganda narrative about their sins in electing a “racist” President.

Lyndon LaRouche, as demonstrated by the video “the Woman on Mars” was always two-three generations ahead of his time, visualizing the programs which could ensure that all men and women fulfilled their destinies as humans, as discoverers of the laws governing the universe itself. His Fourth Law for economic recovery mandates fusion power development and space exploration as the necessary step for ensuring continuous economic prosperity. President Trump has taken the bold step of putting the country on a course for returning to the Moon, colonizing it, and then undertaking habitation of other planets. LaRouche’s visionary program and his methods of achieving it by crash programs and adequate credit is the means to make this a reality.

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