LaRouche Specified a New Credit System from These Four Powers

Part of the Chandrayaan-2 mission lifting off from second launch pad of SDSC SHAR. July 22, 2019 (Indian Space Research Organisation)

It is very likely that by Sept. 7, four spacefaring powers will have accomplished a soft landing of a spacecraft on the Moon. These are the United States, Russia, China and India, whose Chandrayaan-2 is back on that schedule to land at the lunar South Pole in September.

These four leading nations now bear the inspiring responsibility of taking humanity deeper into the Solar System through the pathway of development of the Moon, and launching in the process a series of technology revolutions as the Apollo Project of 50 years ago did. They must do this together—“in peace, for all mankind”—and they will have powerful support from Japan’s and Europe’s space agencies, JAXA and ESA, and can integrate other nations. They will have to carry out a crash program as President John F. Kennedy once defined that—going out within a decade or so to destinations which require rockets, orbiters, landers, power sources, materials which haven’t even been designed or discovered as of 2019.

China’s space program, the most dynamic one if not the most rocket-powerful, already cooperates with Russia’s and within recent weeks has again publicly asked both India and the United States for collaboration. If the United States is to succeed in following President Donald Trump’s order to have people back on the Moon in 2024 and to be on the way to Mars, it must enter this cooperation, scrapping the 2011 Wolf Amendment and any other self-limiting formal barriers.

We can consider: The 2026 Mars sample return mission of NASA and ESA is planned to take four years en route to Mars and back, with chemical and electric-ion propulsion. This will not do for human exploration; the Mars mission requires fusion-power propulsion, which is claimed 20-30 years away. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on July 9 called for an international, collaborative crash program for fusion, aiming at a technological and scientific revolution for all humanity. India has dozens of high-technology companies making components for the international thermonuclear experimental fusion reactor, ITER. China’s research program is leading the world in fusion reactor temperatures and pressures achieved. China, the United States, Russia are all major contributors to ITER—even if America has done so at the sacrifice of its own fusion programs, which must end. Decades can become 5-10 years.

Again, these four nations can lead. And they can lead, as they are, in using nuclear electric power and developing the next generations of fission power reactors for the advanced and the developing countries.

Thus the economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche specified, beginning in the 1990s, that the United States, China, Russia and India must take the lead to start a new international system of credit, currency and bank regulation—a New Bretton Woods. Not deluded by low-energy “Green” throwback devices, their leaderships know the frontier technologies, from lasers to magnetic levitation to fusion, which require breakthrough and proliferation.

LaRouche laid out the principles. By separating their banking systems from speculation (the Glass-Steagall principle) and using Alexander Hamilton’s methods of credit creation, these four can give others a system to export the new technologies, in the form of capital goods, to developing countries.

This will raise living standards and productivity, lifting the eyes of more millions to the Moon and the Solar System, where the “Apollo Projects” of today are going.


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