Making headway against the banksters

C4L staff have been pounding the pavement on Capitol Hill in recent weeks, visiting and calling offices, and mobilizing grassroots activists in targeted districts in support of Audit the Fed.

In fact, we’ve visited 192 offices in just the past two weeks!

Since our recent Audit the Fed “Banner Bomb” launched, we’ve already recruited over a dozen new cosponsors.

I’m pleased to report Representatives John Carter (TX-31), David Schweikert, (AZ-6), Bob Latta (OH-5), Steve Stivers (OH-15), Brad Byrne (AL-1) and Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2) have joined Bill Johnson (OH-6), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-5), Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1), Denver Riggleman (VA-5), Doug LaMalfa (CA-1), Doug Lamborn (CO-5), Dutch Ruppersberger (MD-2), and over 70 other members of Congress in signing on to Rep. Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24 — my Audit the Fed bill!

Two of the newest co-sponsors are Democrats which goes to show this is not an issue for just one party. Audit the Fed is an issue for all Americans!!

The truth is, we are making headway against the Banksters!!

But if you and I are to ultimately succeed in exposing them and put an end to the constant economic crises that the Federal Reserve System creates, I need your help.

I’m counting on you to sign your Audit the Fed petition and make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty right away.

Campaign for Liberty staff will be visiting more offices soon. Sign your petition today so we can deliver it to your representative.

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