Political Collapse or War?

Political Collapse or War?

Can the Epstein Pedophile Case Be Covered Up A Second Time?  Or Will It Bring Down the American Political Establishment and that of the Western world, Or Will the Scandal Be Moved Aside By War With Iran?  Will Israel Finally Get A US-Iran War?

We seem to face these dire alternatives, because the underage sex ring was created by Epstein for blackmail purposes by an intelligence service.  How can the universal spying by the National Security Agency have failed to discover the pedophile ring and its espionage purpose?

Apparently, Acosta’s assigned role was to secure a conviction of Epstein while keeping the evidence out of court.

According to the Justice Integrity Project: 

“New York Times, Acosta Resigns as Labor Secretary Over Epstein Plea Deal, Annie Karni, July 12, 2019. President Trump said Friday morning that R. Alexander Acosta, his embattled secretary of labor, will resign following controversy over a lenient plea deal he made with Jeffrey Epstein when he was a prosecutor in Florida.

“Mr. Trump made the announcement as he left the White House for travel to Milwaukee and Cleveland. Mr. Trump said Mr. Acosta called him this morning and that it was Mr. Acosta’s decision to resign. Acosta was plagued by controversy over a plea deal he made with Jeffrey Epstein, who is accused of abusing dozens of underage girls.

“Under the Bush administration, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alexander Acosta, arranged a sweetheart plea deal for Epstein, who pleaded guilty to state charges of solicitation of prostitution and procurement of minors for prostitution. The billionaire pervert served merely 13 months of a nighttime-only sentence in a minimum-security wing of the Palm Beach County prison for his felony guilty plea of soliciting prostitution from a minor. The New York Post reported (Massage Maven out of prison) that Epstein was permitted to have a mistress whom Epstein had described as his “sex slave” visit him in jail 67 times.

“Most shocking, Epstein was spared from any further Florida or federal charges. The non-prosecution agreement was approved by Acosta in coordination with Epstein’s high-powered legal team, which included Florida attorneys Jack Goldberger and Roy Black, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and former President Clinton’s Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who was dean of Pepperdine School of Law beginning in 2004.

“And, in yet another free ride for those VIPs who were present at Epstein’s orgies with underage girls, Acosta’s plea deal stipulated that neither Florida nor the federal government would charge anyone else for having sex with underage females. Normally, sweetheart plea deals are to encourage small fry to rat out higher-ups, not to protect everyone except one miscreant receiving a slap on the wrists.

“The honest police in West Palm Beach were so outraged by the sellout that they risked firing by anonymously posting on the web details (redacted to remove names) of the shocking specifics of Epstein’s crimes against the girls, who were primarily of junior high and high school age. WMR has inspected the court record in criminal and civil cases, and identified 104 separate “Jane Doe” victims of Epstein and his ring in one case alone.”


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