Schiller Institute Conference: APOLLO +50


A wave of optimism and inspiration unseen for five decades will once again begin to sweep the planet this weekend. 50 years ago, on July 20, 1969, mankind walked for the first time on the Moon. This weekend, every state in America, and nearly every nation in the world, will honor the courage and vision that, in the form of the American astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, elevated the whole of humanity, despite all of its problems, above itself, and to the stars.

Something more, however, is now urgently needed. The Schiller Institute and LaRouche Political Action Committee, together with you, must help supply the answer to the question: What about Earth’s next 50 years? Economist Lyndon LaRouche spent decades on this problem, and solved it. He produced many policy papers, initiatives and forecasts that document his success. LaRouche was punished with imprisonment because he not only proved that “there are no limits to growth”,and that the world needs more people; he changed the military direction of the world through what became known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

This Saturday, join Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and representatives of LaRouche ‘s science group, The Basement Team, in dialogue with American and international representatives, researchers and others. The event, which begins this Saturday at 1 PM, will be live-streamed and we urge you to direct everyone you know to this website for updates. Throughout the week, we will be adding new material, and cross-firing organizing activity as well as international development on the space front.

Let’s bypass the pessimism induced in the post-1969 America era by joining India, China, Russia, Europe and the United States in a grand design to go back to the Moon, and on to Mars. We are on the edge of a new cultural paradigm and a new era, and it begins now. Get on board!!

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