British Launch Global Destabilization Operations—Scientific Cooperation in Space is the Antidote

British Launch Global Destabilization Operations—Scientific Cooperation in Space is the Antidote

From protests in Hong Kong to Moscow; from shootings in El Paso, Texas to Dayton, Ohio; from the endangered U.S.-China trade talks to the ending of nuclear arms control INF treaty—the London-centered forces seeing the collapse of their system have launched a series of destabilizations, designed to induce overwhelming pessimism about the future of mankind.

While the chaos they are unleashing is dangerous, it must be viewed from a strategic perspective. Their goal is to spread a culture of death and violence, while financial swindles associated with decarbonization are designed to create a flow of cash to bail out, at least temporarily, their bankrupt system.

In reviewing this a densely complex global crisis, Helga Zepp LaRouche said that while there are no simple explanations, we can identify the fostering of cultural pessimism as a leading problem, reflected in the anti-scientific lies of “man-made climate change,” geopolitics, and neoliberal economics. The best antidote, she emphasized, is for every space-faring nation to cooperate in the positive expansion of mankind into space, proving that the earth is not a closed system. In this way, we can move from confrontation to cooperation, demonstrating, as her husband Lyndon LaRouche always insisted, that the unique human quality of willful creativity offers a solution to all these crises.

Thumbnail image credit: Studio Incendo

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