British Scramble to Regain Strategic Initiative — Escalate Strategy of Tension World-Wide

President Donald J. Trump participates in a press conference Saturday, June 29, 2019, at the Imperial Hotel Osaka after attending the G20 Japan Summit in Osaka, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Ever since the Osaka G-20 summit in late June, where President Donald Trump broke out of British containment and met with his Chinese and Russian counterparts, followed by the Mueller Meltdown and Trump’s renewed emphasis on the Artemis Moon-Mars mission in his July 4 speech and the wave of optimism that swept the country—and the world—around the July 20 50th anniversary of the the manned Moon landing, the bankrupt British Empire has been trying to regain the strategic initiative before they are destroyed. To this end, they are escalating their long-standing strategy of tension policy of destabilization, assassination and wars, to ram through their intended paradigm downshift, back to the Middle Ages and worse, with a pessimistic brutish population of no more than a billion human beings left.

That strategy of tension is in high gear on all fronts: Hong Kong, Iran, US-China economic relations, Venezuela, North Korea, the U.S. Russia—and emphatically Kashmir. The Indian decision to unilaterally eliminate the special status of the contested Kashmir and Jammu regions two days ago has opened a Pandora’s Box of conflicts in the region, with Pakistan announcing that it is breaking diplomatic and all trade relations with India, while Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed a joint session of parliament and warned: “This will be a war that no one will win and the implications will be global.” The government of China also protested India’s announcement, saying it affected its national sovereignty (China has a claim on part of the border area). Whatever the byzantine local and regional politics may be, this whole situation has all the smell of a British-orchestrated move.

Although the whole planet is in play, the British have reserved special targeting for Russia, China, India and the U.S.—the same Four Powers that Lyndon LaRouche identified years ago as key to leading a coalition of nations to put the trans-Atlantic financial system through bankruptcy reorganization, and replace it with a New Paradigm of science-driven economic growth, and an equally scientific classical cultural Renaissance.

The mass killings and reactive political insanity now sweeping the U.S. are part of this global process—they are not some US-spawned national phenomenon. The level of induced lunacy is stunning: Former President Obama likens President Trump’s “language” to that which produced slavery, the Nazi holocaust and ethnic cleansing in the Balkans—and the media covers it as if that’s a rational thing to say. Rep. Cory Booker calls for the cancellation of all Trump rallies, de facto saying that neither Trump nor his followers should have First Amendment rights—and no one calls him out for inciting to rip up the Constitution.

Americans have to stand up and refuse to be part of this mass manipulation, and focus on the real issues that the British Empire so fears: international cooperation on a Moon-Mars mission for mankind, as elaborated by Lyndon LaRouche decades ago; and a classical cultural Renaissance to restore humanity’s natural state of optimism and joy.


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