Is a Financial Collapse Imminent? LaRouche’s Ideas and Moon-Mars Missions Critical – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

Is a Financial Collapse Imminent? LaRouche's Ideas and Moon-Mars Missions Critical – LaRouchePAC

The “news” of the past 48 hours has been dominated by discussions of inverted yield curves and a crashing stock market leading to the obvious question as to whether we have entered a collapse phase in the world economy or not. Most certainly, the moves of the City of London to concoct the myth that forced austerity and genocide measures are necessary to support life itself in the coming period, based on apocalyptic claims about climate change, demonstrates their preparation for this eventuality.

Tonight’s discussion will feature EIR Economics editor Paul Gallagher, presenting LaRouche’s solutions for economic recovery which must be absorbed by a growing political movement now, if we are to defeat the obvious British imperial plans and ambitions and build a continuously prosperous future. Shaping project Artemis, the President’s Moon-Mars mission, as a joint development proposal with the Four Powers, China, Russia, India, and the United States, like LaRouche’s SDI, has vast implications for the domestic U.S. economy and the rescue of an entire generation of endangered youth. It represents the change of culture which President Trump talked about in the wake of the recent mass shootings in the United States. Join us for tonight’s discussion.

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