Moon-Mars Mission Fits the Call To Lift Up America’s Culture

NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson pauses for a portrait while donning her spacesuit and going under water in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, Monday, July 8, 2019 at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

A new prospectus of the Moon-Mars mission, organized around the six points of the LaRouchePAC petition “We Commit to the Moon-Mars Mission,” and authored for LaRouchePAC by Ben Deniston, will appear in the Aug. 9 Executive Intelligence Review to be issued tomorrow. The piece lays out the extraordinary science and technology driver which the President’s and NASA’s “Project Artemis” could become, as an Apollo Project-style crash program to make the Moon the workshop and launch point for the Solar System. The prospectus specifies the commitment to carry out this effort cooperatively with at least the Chinese, Russian, Indian space programs, as well as the Japanese and the European.

The first section elaborates the LaRouchePAC petition: We are committing ourselves and our nation to send a rocket to orbit the Moon next year; to construct a space station in lunar orbit within two years after that; to send four astronauts to orbit the Moon in 2023—human beings escaping Earth gravity for the first time since Apollo—and committing our nation to land astronauts on the Moon in 2024.

More, within four years after that, we commit to having a human settlement on the Moon, meaning that the people in that settlement will be in the Solar System with the potential, after some years’ development of the settlement, to travel from there to Mars.

The settlement will strive to begin mining and producing resources such as hydrogen and oxygen fuels as well as water, and building transportation infrastructure there. Possibly, the first magnetic-levitation train in which American industry participates, will be on the Moon. The first Solar System transport may be built there. Perhaps the first plasma processing of materials will be done there.

The prospectus brings forward the two visionaries who foresaw this escape from Earth’s bounds to the Moon, and its development for Solar System travel—rocket designer Krafft Ehricke and economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche. They fully designed such a human future in the mid-1980s. “Settlement and industrial development of the Moon” is their conception. Generating the financial credit for this international science-driver mission is also LaRouche’s conception, and the document lays this out under Point 5 of the petition.

President Donald Trump, in his remarks of Aug. 5 which addressed the woe of America’s mass shootings, said, “Cultural change is hard, but each of us can choose to build a culture that celebrates the inherent worth and dignity of every human life.”

This Moon-Mars mission, if done in the way LaRouche and Ehricke described more than 40 years ago, responds to that call by the President. Signs of change were seen in the excitement over the Apollo 11 fiftieth anniversary two weeks ago, as millions of Americans, in thousands of celebratory gatherings, thought of the heavens. The human being who actually achieves travelling, living, working in space has no limits to his or her potential. Any young person can choose to support what President Kennedy called “the untried mission”—the worth and dignity of a human species that can learn to live in conditions completely unlike those in which we evolved, but still exhibiting the intelligence of our creator.


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