The Optimism of LaRouche’s Four Laws and Trump’s Moon-Mars Mission

Meredith Vieira closes out the program by reading Walter Cronkite's speech during the "National Symphony Orchestra Pops, Apollo 11: A 50th Anniversary, One Small Step, One Giant Leap." July 20, 2019 (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

One of the nation’s dominant news sources was provoked to examine the identity between the ideology of the “climate emergency” greenies who claim human beings are destroying the Earth, and the mass shooters who believe that “emergency” calls on them to kill those human beings. The Washington Post confirmed our description of those killers as “ecofascists”; and observed that these drastic climate-emergency scenarios can induce some people to take “dire measures.”

The LaRouche Political Action Committee has explained this reality in mass leaflets to save the country from the calamities that deep cultural pessimism causes.

This ideology that induces cultural pessimism, especially among young people, is not only deadly but wrong. Humankind improves the condition of its physical environment. We do so by transforming it, with scientific breakthroughs to new technologies with higher energy densities and greater productivity. We also can give that environment a vastly greater scope: We can go into space, explore and develop it. These transformations require more people, and support a larger human population.

The great economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche developed four cardinal laws in 2014, from his lifetime of working for a culture of scientific breakthroughs and great human infrastructure missions. They begin with the Glass-Steagall principle of banking regulation and the Hamiltonian method of creating national credit institutions for industry and infrastructure development. But more important, LaRouche’s laws specify the use of that credit to foster the most advanced technologies which convey the greatest leaps in energy flux-density and powers of labor. This means a crash program to develop fusion power and plasma technologies, and a crash program in space exploration like the Apollo Project launched by President Kennedy.

These crash programs, LaRouche specified, must be done in cooperation with other great powers, particularly China, India, and Russia. He called on those nations to take the lead in forming a New Bretton Woods credit and monetary system to carry them out.

Right now, those great actions can pull the United States and Europe out of the jaws of another “great recession” and out of the path of another oncoming financial crash. Starting from the “Project Artemis” Moon and Mars mission announced by President Donald Trump, LaRouche’s approach will create breakthroughs that transform the boundaries of human activities and economic productivity.

And no need to jawbone the Federal Reserve Bank and other central banks to take us all down to the dark shadow-land of negative interest rates. LaRouche’s approach, by creating rising human productivity, actually creates new real wealth and profits of labor!


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