The Role of the LaRouche Committees on Correspondence in the U.S. Moon-Mars Project – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

The Role of the LaRouche Committees on Correspondence in the U.S. Moon-Mars Project

This call will involve an in-depth discussion of the role of the recently formed and forming Committees of Correspondence in the Moon-Mars Project now underway by NASA. As we approach October 5th, Moon day, the battle lines could not be more clearly drawn. On the one side, the Central Bankers for the current globalist order are completely stuck in their speculative financial order and are proposing a financier’s dictatorship to preserve it. Their order marches now ineluctably toward genocide and war. They know nothing of how a productive economy actually works, having learned in school to deride, like original sin, the relatively prosperous period of the Bretton Woods post war order as a “mixed economy” or a “mercantilist economy.” They are hideously ignorant of the fact which Alexander Hamilton invented: national banking directed toward productive capital intensive investments and fundamental scientific discovery are the means to continuous prosperity and a happy, creative population. Lyndon LaRouche took Hamilton one step further, fully developing how a crash program for space can revive and produce a modern economy, an advancing population, along with the defensive weapons to end the threat of war. It is upon us now to realize that vision.

Join us for tonight’s discussion.

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